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Posts posted by GenXer

  1. One of my guilty pleasures is punk covers. In that vein, I saw Me First and the Gimme Gimmes last night at Amplified in Dallas. Really really fun show.


    Lead singer is very engaging, jokes around a lot, and is just very entertaining. The band members vary; most recognizable person was  CJ Ramone on bass.

    As one might expect at a punk cover band show, a spirited debate on economic policy broke out in the pit.


    The Black Tones were the opening band. They’re damn good. It’s a family outfit. Sister is lead singer and guitarist. Her brothers play bass and drums. They’re from Seattle with roots in Louisiana. Self described as Cobain and cornbread. I’d say there’s a bit of Hendrix and funk mixed in as well.


    I picked up their album on vinyl at their merch table. They’re all very engaging and friendly. I’m rooting for them.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Left Coast said:

    Early voting process in California:

    1. I was automatically sent my ballot a couple of weeks ago. Spent about a week thinking/researching/filling it out.

    2. Looked up where to drop off my ballot near me. There are ballot drop off boxes on practically every block:


    3. Drop my ballot off after dropping the kid at school. That evening I get an email:



    It should be this easy for everyone in the entire fucking country.

    It’s gonna take a lot of patriots to intimidate voters at all those drop boxes

    • Haha 2
  3. Went to Jesus and Mary Chain at the Granada in Dallas last night. 

    They played a healthy dose of my favorite album of theirs, Darklands.

    Lead singer has lost a bit of punch on his vocals. Band formed 40 years ago so it’s not surprising.

    I would’ve liked the sound engineer to make the lead guitar sound more pronounced. The surf punk guitar sound on Head On wasn’t quite there for me.

    That drummer was great. The drum forward sound was really good.

    I hadn’t seen JaMC live before but based on videos from the 90’s I suspected a wallflower stage presence. They delivered on that. Not really any charisma to speak of.

    I enjoyed the show and recommend seeing them if they pass through. 




    • Hook 'Em 3
  4. 10 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Yes, you can review your choice before you print the ballot. 

    Yes, you should also skim over the physical pages before you put them into the machine.  I did glance over mine walking from my voting machine to my collection machine and on the far right was the party I voted for in each race and I just scanned to make sure it was the same all the way down (minus any For/Against questions you may have). 

    Same for me. I reviewed the summary in the UI, and I checked the printed copy. They all said DEM. It was easy to review before sliding the paper ballot in the collection machine.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 20 hours ago, Voldemort86 said:

    Good idea. Wear sunglasses and if you don’t, don’t make eye contact with anyone until you get into the voting line. Don’t give the nasty vultures outside an opening to talk to you.

    I enjoy talking to republicans outside. Ask them hard questions. Make them uncomfortable. Be polite. Don’t get angry. It’s fun.

  6. Voted in collin county around 3:30. Frankford and Preston - Renner library.

    No one was in line. There were probably three people inside voting.

    One person was standing outside for Jamee Jolly (R) under a tent. No other candidates had anyone there. I had a brief and pleasant conversation with the Jolly volunteer. I expressed my concern about the price of insulin and the lack of progress on HR 2181. I let them know what CO and CA are doing, and suggested that TX do the same. I’m sure it won’t make any difference but I felt it necessary to express myself. And, they looked kinda bored standing alone in the rain.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. On 10/21/2022 at 8:48 PM, Underdog said:

    1400+ just means fewer targets for school shooters - Marge. 

    Twitter put me in a 12hr timeout for telling this cunt to drink bleach.

    Why? I thought drinking bleach was Dotard’s recommendation for fighting covid. Sounds like you were just passing along sound medical advice.

    I too have gotten a twitter timeout for my suggestions to right wingers.

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  8. World Trade Center. The poor people that got trapped by fire above the impact. Your only choices are burn to death / smoke inhalation or jump. 

    A few years ago, I stood at the base of One World Trade Center and got dizzy just looking up. I had just been through the memorial and saw the pictures of people jumping. Made my blood boil. Then looking up from the base of One World Trade Center. I just can’t imagine the horror.

  9. 3 hours ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

    I’ve got an engineer buddy who, when some potential client would ask about an ability to provide anything, would always respond “oh, that’s off-the-shelf.”

    As a prospect, you gotta make sure that’s in the conference room pilot script.

    4 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    At my job, we were comparing 2 software vendors about 6 months ago. We had an important requirement that Vendor A could do, and Vendor B said they would have it by go-live date.  Our leaders selected Vendor B because the vendor was believed and other factors.

    We're going live now, and there is no timeline on when that requirement will be available, or if it will ever be available.

    Enterprise software vendors can’t build anything in 6 months. With any reasonably complex solution, it takes months to do functional design, development, unit testing, system testing, integration testing, regression testing, configuration and implementation.

    A good question to ask the prospective vendor is “lemme see your functional design specs and project plan”. If they can’t produce these, they’ll likely say “Oh. We’re agile. So, we don’t do that stuff.” That’s likely just a cover. The follow-up question is “ok. Cool. Lemme see you stories, product backlog, and sprint backlog.” If they can’t produce them, they can’t deliver.

    This comes from 30 years experience on the vendor (product development and services) and customer side.

  10. 55 minutes ago, Snake Diggity said:

     I haven’t made my final decisions yet but I am pretty sure I will vote 90%+ Democrat this year.  I will never vote for anyone who doesn’t reject Trump and the big lie.  So all that is to say I wouldn’t say I’ve done a complete 180 but I vote wildly different than I would have as a younger man.  

    You likely don’t have any chronic health conditions that republicans actively work against preventing health insurance coverage or affordable prescriptions. Congratulations for being born in the deep end of the gene pool. Others aren’t so fortunate. Please consider this when you vote. 


  11. 3 hours ago, gmr548 said:

    What I've noticed in polls is that the GOP seems to consistently perform best in the ~45-60 age bracket. Love to rag on boomers as the ones being sucked in by conservative propaganda, and that's partially true for sure (there are boomers in that bracket after all); many have experienced that with their own aging boomer parents. But the fact that support often sways back more toward even in 65+ tells you there's a lot of older half Gen X out there really driving that 40-55 surge. Which checks out, as research shows people don't necessarily get more conservative as they age, but rarely deviate from political views that shaped them when they came of age. That's the group that came of age in the Reagan-Bush era, the most broadly conservative in modern American politics.

    This is interesting and makes sense. I grew up republican in Oklahoma (go figure). I shifted hard left when I saw Hillary make the first push in the 90’s to make healthcare affordable and saw the opposite from the republicans. That has driven my voting over the past 25 years.

  12. On 10/17/2022 at 9:07 AM, Voldemort86 said:

    Why are so many 45-65 year olds republicans?  I hate gen X.

    What’d I ever do to you?

    Lumping everyone from 45-65 together is too broad. GenX is 42-57 years old now. I like to think the nihilistic philosophy of the early 90’s Gen X hasn’t bought into republican bullshit over the years, but I suspect there’s a lot that are into the conspiracy theory idiocy.

    • Haha 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Hermanator said:

    Anyone who wants to see Jewish folks in Texas should drive down McCallum/Meandering way streets in far north Dallas on a Saturday afternoon. 


    This is true. This is my hood. There’s a big jewish school at hillcrest and frankford. Another school between preston and hillcrest on frankford where jewish kids are playing hoops after school every day. There’s a temple at hillcrest and mccallum.

    Plenty of bagel shops.  There’s a badass jewish deli on preston and campbell.

    My hood leans heavy dem. Lots of Beto and Mihaela Plesa signs in yards.

  14. My sister, Kristi, committed suicide by taking a pharmacy’s worth of a drug cocktail. I came in from out of state because her husband (my BIL) had committed suicide with a handgun the night before. 

    She had been sleeping in the family room near me for several hours and woke up around 3 AM. I was sleeping on the sofa and woke up when she woke up. I gave her a glass of water. She took a drink and died in front of me. I called 911 and gave her CPR until the ambulance arrived. They revived her, and we went to the hospital. A few hours later her brain began to swell and she was pronounced dead.

    This song triggers that memory.



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