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Everything posted by GenXer

  1. As a type 1 diabetic, Herschel can adapt his diet to eating shit. Fuck you, Herschel and fuck all republican politicians. And fuck anyone who votes for any republican.
  2. That’s crazy, man. Here’s a close-up of the artists name. I got the painting in 2012. I think it was at Galeria Beaskoa. Based on its proximity to the Picasso museum. Here’s their IG if you’re curious. https://instagram.com/galeriabeaskoa?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= On second thought, I think I got it at Galería Montcada. Just a store or two past the first gallery I mentioned. Their IG https://instagram.com/galeriamontcada_?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  3. I think what Herschel is trying to say is to vote for the incumbent. I don’t believe Herschel is aware that he’s not the incumbent. He’s busy running hospitals and stuff. Now stay with me here… Herschel might just not know what he’s talking about.
  4. @RDCanecutter congrats! That’s awesome!
  5. Your FIL wants to live in an echo chamber. He must be stupid, lazy or old. Or all three.
  6. My neighborhood on the south side of collin county (but still Dallas - 214 holla) is heavy Dem. Lots of Beto signs; lots of Mihaela Plesa signs - she lives a few blocks away). Door to door canvassing is always Dem. Beto guy stopped by yesterday. Only three Trump houses in the hood that advertise their allegiance. It’s at least a 10 to 1 Dem to Rep ratio.
  7. Looks like he’s pillow fighting zombies. God works in mysterious, ridiculous and satirical ways I guess.
  8. Yup. Got my tickets for Jesus and Mary Chain at Granada.
  9. So he was born again. And again. And again?
  10. I’m pretty sure Bose is responsible for me never losing my shit on a flight. TeamNoiseCancelingHeadphones.
  11. That video is hilarious. Like mentioned upthread, reality would be much more persuasive than the video. Suggestions for Goebbells propaganda video v2: $100 charge for each checked bag. Airline offers a credit card application to pay for it at 20% annual interest rate. Strip search at TSA checkpoint Flight delayed by 6 hours. Boarding is a full-on hockey style body check experience. Flight Attendant announcement- welcome to American Airlines - there is no meal service on this 12 hour flight. You can however purchase a bag of peanuts for $25. Kid behind you screams and kicks your seat. Turn around to ask parent to control the kid, and Karen unloads on you. Everyone pulls out their phone to record you. Mayhem ensues. Fight breaks out. You’re dragged off plane. Fin. Although it probably beats the alternative flight experience in Russia where the Aeroflot plane’s wing falls off during the taxiing to the runway.
  12. This is sound advice but it’s hard to do given that I have a functioning brain.
  13. Grab ‘em by the pussy, Stormy Daniels, and other Trump fuckery exercised their mental gymnastics mettle for years. GQPers are primed and ready for any challenge against their blind faith. No hurdle is too high for them to overcome for cult45.
  14. A zombie laden ticket would do well with the leopards eating people's faces party
  15. I would expect lawdogs to eagerly anticipate delays and dilatory tactics because billable hours. I say this as a software consultant that has experience with billable hours.
  16. I know exactly where you got that one in Greece. A gallery in Santorini in Fira. That series caught my eye. I picked up a watercolor there. I dig that Rimi Yang. Reminds me of Klimt’s woman in gold. You’ve got a good eye.
  17. I like to get art when I travel. Everyday, it reminds me of the places we’ve been. Oil on canvas from Chicago in 2002 Oil on canvas from Whistler in 2002. This one is two separate paintings. Both are wrap around mounted and intended to be hung adjacent to each other. Cubist signed print. Wish I could afford an original from the artist. Originals were running north of $15k 15 years ago. Got this in Chicago in 2002 on same trip as the first painting. Love me some cubism. Oil on fiberglass from Portland, ME in 2016 Two marble mosaics from Florence Italy. Got them on two separate trips from same place in 2012 and 2013. oil on canvas from Mougins France outside of Cannes oil on canvas from Barcelona. Found it in a gallery across the street from the picasso museum. This one was only $100 but I really liked the digital pointillism style. The four spires are La Sagrada Familia. One oil and one spray paint from the same artist in Buenos Aires in 2016 Watercolor on silk from Prague in 2005 watercolors from Naxos Greece in 2002 watercolor from Santorini Greece in 2002
  18. Milwaukee airport has a designated recombobulation area after the TSA checkpoint.
  19. More so than the ability to lick your own balls?
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