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Everything posted by GenXer

  1. Saw the Flaming Lips tonight at south side ballroom in dallas. A flaming lips haiku Confetti shower LSD karaoke with bounce house robot
  2. So… she’s an atheist he whole life, and then begins preaching. I’m certain her theology is solid. ”It was the most insane thing.” She does have self awareness going for her. Which is nice.
  3. Lucy the sheepadoodle likes watching the movie “Dog”
  4. Dear Beloved Friend, I know this message will come to you as surprised but permit me of my desire to go into business relationship with you and your cabal of degenerates.
  5. Did he uber to the hospital, or did he find an extra set of stairs at the hospital to get the keys in his ass after he parked?
  6. Having served on a jury for a criminal case of two counts of aggravated assault, this statement scares the shit out of me. Specifically, that public defenders probably do better work than paid attorneys. After the trial that I was a juror, the court appointed defense attorney admitted to me in front of the judge, prosecuting attorney and the jury that he didn’t review all the evidence. That was the day I vowed never to use a court appointed defense attorney. I’ve never been arrested so I haven’t put that to test yet.
  7. Register common misspellings as well. brettfarvelegalfund.com and others? Change the DNS settings (domain name server) for the misspelled domains to point to the correctly spelled domain.
  8. I’m catching the Flaming Lips at Southside Ballroom on Sun night. I’m hoping for the performance extravaganza version of the lips. Never seen them before.
  9. Otherwise, the jewish space lasers will get us all.
  10. He’s very engaging with the audience. He makes a stadium feel like an intimate setting somehow. He told stories of two separate families during the show at different times. One story was about two kids he met years ago. He pointed to them in the audience and tols us one was now in the naval academy. The other story was about a wounded iraq war vet. Pointed him out in the crowd; put him on the video board. Thanked him for his service. He told a story about his first concert and how he had nosebleed seats. Pointed to the upper deck and told them they could be in his shoes someday. He mentioned the supersonics moving to OKC years ago in a lighthearted manner. The drummer was wearing a thunder hat. He seems to do some research to personalize the show for the local audience. He just seems like a genuinely nice guy.
  11. I didn’t see that. Us sooners would only appreciate it if it was turned upside down. Full disclosure. It embarrasses me that sooners do the horns down when we’re playing the likes of iowa st.
  12. Do you recall pounding my picture? Jones - I pound my desk all the time.
  13. Yeah. How is the hot mic permitted? It’s great but it really surprised me.
  14. Someone posted the full OKC Pearl Jam concert. Eddie’s commentary on the dildo truck begins at 2:02:20. Eddie made no mention of Stoops. It’s CR-ish.
  15. I also caught Pearl Jam in OKC last night. I think Eddie may lurk surly. He mentioned his admiration of the dildo truck spill before launching into Rockin in the Free World.
  16. The would be loads of work to identify the URLs for every local, state and federal website. Reminds me of. Each site would have its own unique data schema so there’d be work to organize the data once it’s been scraped. one issue I faced was identifying new records vs. records I had previously scraped. This wouldn’t be an issue with police records as the datetime stamp would be a separate data element.
  17. Haha. Username should tip you off that I’m not a kid. I’m an old. The more I think about your idea, the more it piques my interest. I built a webscraper like I described a few years ago to collect potential prospect data for a business app. I enter keywords to get records that match them. Think of a webscraper like google; it visits publicly accessible websites and ostensibly puts that data in a database for its own use. You could build a subscription website that allows subscribers (HR people) to do candidate searches as part of their background check. I think that’s a strong value proposition for businesses. v2 could have facial recognition that compares against J6 mugshots. Make a mobile app so that subscribers can identify insurrectionists and out them. In person. In real time. App comes with a well worded indemnification clause to eliminate liability from getting punched by said insurrectionist (did I say that right, lawdogs?) Value proposition not quite a strong for this feature.
  18. Haha. That’s how I feel when all you lawdogs start talking about motions, complaints and other assorted legal jargon.
  19. Webscraper Python script that drops data in MongoDB. Run it on a unix machine. Write a script that pulls data from the db based on keywords like “Jan 6”. All you need is to identify the websites that have the data.
  20. He’s “got some pro bono work for her.” What does he think that even means? I know the cop had no interest but I wish the cop would’ve asked that.
  21. The refs blew this call. Young was down before he grounded the ball and before it hit a horn. Young’s ankle was down. Tackles are reviewable. Safety. Video pulled from sporting news at 0:56 https://www.sportingnews.com/us/amp/ncaa-football/news/explaining-weird-play-negated-texas-safety-alabama/qfev6c7vhqfpgyugx0ubnll4
  22. Very undisciplined play on both sides of the ball for a saban team
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