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Everything posted by GenXer

  1. Did Stapleton play Watch you burn? I saw him at Choctaw in March; he was amazing but the casino’s time restrictions make for an abbreviated set. He’s coming back to Dallas in Oct, and I want to see his performance of a song fueled by anger. Wondering if there’s a possibility of him playing Watch you burn.
  2. I wear it with pride. I’m at the show and seated beside a woman that’s trippin acid and regaling me with tales of her meeting noel gallagher.
  3. I got garbage, noel gallagher and metric tonight at starplex. Seeing 90’s bands. I’m using the 90’s name for the venue.
  4. Nice. I saw the Black Tones last Oct. They put on a good show. I have tix for pixies/MM/bully for next Sat and tix for Black angels/dandy warhols in Oct.
  5. I have family in Tulsa. Gonna head up there with MrsX in July to see The Chicks. It’s one of the few concerts she actually wants to go to. Dandy Warhols and Black Angels are coming to Dallas in Oct. It’s at a venue I haven’t heard of or been to: Ferris Wheelers’s Backyard and BBQ. There’s a ferris wheel in their backyard. Hence the name. They have a few other acts coming in Sept. Not interested in them myself but I recognize the names: Tangerine Dream, Ghostland Observatory. It’s bit cryptic but I think the Warhols and BA tix go on sale tomorrow.
  6. Antifa spit on his kids. Methhead wore his maga gear rather than his nazi gear to this outing.
  7. I just listened to the King of Oklahoma. That one may just be a one-and-done for me. My sister and BIL lived in Tulsa. That song will make me relive seeing my BIL’s brain matter on the garage floor, seeing the life drain from my sister’s eyes, giving her CPR until the paramedics arrived, and feeling the last squeeze of her hand in the ICU before her brain began to swell.
  8. That’s terrible. My sister and brother-in-law both got hooked on opioids in the 00’s. Her due to migraines and him due to a high school football injury to his shoulder. In 2017, they both committed suicide. He shot himself in their garage, and she intentionally OD’d the following night. They were financially successful but physically broken. Fentanyl is another danger now. He might consider moving to a different country where they treat this as a disease rather than a crime.
  9. Hell, if you charged people $20 to line up, walk past his cell, and laugh, we could fund schools. How much to sling my shit at him? I’m in for $1000.
  10. That shark attack video is grizzly. That’s one of my phobias. That and gators. Really anything from the water that can take you down. I think by the end after he had been flipped upside down with his legs out of the water, he had accepted his fate. That, or the shark had already taken one of his arms, and he couldn’t swim or defend himself. Pretty good metaphor for russia swimming into ukraine’s water and finding out.
  11. In 1995, I was at a bar in Melbourne, Australia, and a good looking girl came up to me and told me she loved my accent. I’m from Oklahoma. Americans in their 20’s who can’t get laid should travel internationally.
  12. We were going out of town this weekend but plans got canceled. So, I can use my tix to Heartless Bastards tonight at Granada.
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