I won’t call you a dumbass but I liken it to a salmon swimming upstream with bears trying to snatch you along the way. You can make it but the journey ain’t easy.
I started a thread named Insulin in Aug 22. I was pissed about the newly passed Biden insulin cap that was only for the olds because only the olds got it. As a type 1 diabetic since 1987, I have watched the republicans fight hard against any improvement in medical cost or care for my entire voting life.
The surly liberal cabal (of which I consider myself a member) came at me hard with a few negs thrown in. As I explained my position, personal story, and the rationale for my critique of biden’s bill, the cabal cooled, and I learned about a bill at the federal level (no movement) and a bill in colorado that are doing creative solutions. I text occasionally with my state rep about the colorado bill to see if she can do something like it in texas.
Long story short: make your point with verifiable facts or a genuine story that explains your position, and the cabal may not eat you alive.
Oh and…