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Everything posted by GenXer

  1. What a little bitch ass shitfuck
  2. Porzingas limping. One good game then ineffective. Same as it ever was.
  3. Make some fucking free throws. You’re professional basketball players for fucks sake.
  4. It feels even better to take their money
  5. Far north Dallas in the Tom Thumb parking lot.
  6. They’re just in training for their eternity in hell
  7. Exactly. Blame the moron that booked him for the gig.
  8. Just my impression of it. A no name media outlet gets a very close clear shot of several physically larger magas intimidating a small meek trump protester that doesn’t show any fight-back but at the same time doesn’t really show fear of being injured. None of the magas bump into the camera so that the shot is clear the entire time. Security finally intervenes after magas have their way with the protester for some time. Why did they wait so long? And that maga laugh sounds fake and forced. Just looks like bullshit to me. Maybe the intent is to deter trump protesters because fat loud maga might yell at you.
  9. That all looks staged. freedomnews (whatever that is) likely put that on.
  10. I wouldn’t characterize people that support Fauci as democrats. People that support(ed) Fauci were concerned about minimizing the effects of a global pandemic. If you characterize people that heed the advice of the CDC and virologists and science exclusively as democrats, that probably says more about you. At this point, Fauci is a symbol of pragmatism that stands against the legion of conspiracy minded morons.
  11. I was told biden was senile. Impressive that he could still jedi mind trick putin into invading Ukraine.
  12. This is gonna play well with the landowners that had huge “Trump” and “Trump / Nikki Haley” 20 ft banners in their fields visible to everyone driving through rural Washington from seattle to Mt Rainier National Park.
  13. I doubt my brother-in-law and his idiot churchy Qanon wife have the ability to make the connection from voting for guns to a vote for trump and republican straight ticket leads to a GOP senate leads to a decades long push to tilt the supreme court to the GOP leads to an overturn of roe v. wade leads to states outlawing abortion leads to doctors being unable to perform necessary reproductive care when a woman miscarries. In fact, by typing that all out I’m certain there is no way they could make that correlation.
  14. Sure. But the challenge is finding, or fabricating, evidence so the perp can be tried. You think the DA is gonna bring a case to court on the word of a cop? Wait. Nevermind.
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