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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. Worse than the Spanish flu. Without vaccines likely times 2 once delta hit. Cannot even imagine that.
  2. The more direct way would have been “write down your name or I’ll shoot you.” Then you’d buy the fucking pen.
  3. I sometimes wish I had gone to OU so I’d have the internet skills to shop that in. Alas...
  4. Took that 2 hours ago. Pretty good shot if I do say so myself
  5. Are you denying that I’m posting on surly from a beach in Hawaii? Well here you go:
  6. Party over country. It wasn’t heil Germany. It was heil Hitler. We’re actually lucky so far Trump is an old dumbass. So far.
  7. It’s fascism. We saw this play out in Germany in the 30s.
  8. He likes the good ole USA for rich white people. His own posts make that perfectly obvious. Everyone else is just a bunch of poors who made bad decisions. I’ve noticed he has now started denying he inherited wealth. I’m a fellow lawyer so I know exactly what those words actually mean. Since I can’t cross examine him though it’s pointless to engage in that sophistry.
  9. He supports the big lie whether he believes it or not.
  10. GTFO with your reasoned facts! There’s no place for that up in here!
  11. When Johnny gets caught in a lie he just ignores it so don’t bother.
  12. So they should just let them in then? Which way do you guys want it?
  13. You probably know this but you’re engaged in a substantive discussion with not only a troll, but an incredibly stupid and persistent team one. He was posting at 3:00 am and is still at it. They’re working in shifts.
  14. This is definitely true in all respects including Mensa Tom. It definitely didn’t help that his very first game against Maryland was like a perfectly encapsulated shitshow of the previous 3 year fuckups and the next four year to come, all condensed into one game. Plus he was an arrogant ass. We didn’t quite realize what we had with Shaka however until the first ncaa tournament game and then the second year sealed the deal. He should’ve been fired after year 2 but this is Texas basketball so of course he lasted as long as he did.
  15. You and Dr. bravo really need to stop obsessing about me.
  16. Yep. The reason illegals are here is because companies want them here as cheap labor and they pay off republican politicians to not pass laws to stop it while they then turn around blame Dems for open borders. Its absolutely moronic to not be able to see that but dipshits like the sack don’t care about logical consistency and bitch that their ranch has illegals cross over it at night. The truth is he’s only upset he wasn’t there to shoot them.
  17. Look at the big brain on sack! Hard hitting analysis with every post.
  18. Since it wasn’t a reply to your post you’re obviously full of shit. I was talking to GRUHorn, who once claimed he blocked me then replied to one of my posts not five minutes later. Just admit you’re lying and move on.
  19. Are we sure those are illegals? Those backpacks look pretty good. Maybe it’s a camping trip that got lost?
  20. Per sack only 3 out of the 40 were good people and the rest were all poors due to poor life choices. Those three were the coyotes who had made themselves good money and therefore were not poor and had therefore made good life choices.
  21. See this is why I’ll never put the sack on ignore. Too much comedy.
  22. Trump put up a wall but then gosh darn it, Joe just tore it down.
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