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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. Were any of them wielding a skateboard? Too bad you weren’t there.
  2. Madoff lasted many, many, years. This won’t.
  3. Sharps v. Grifters would be a more accurate characterization.
  4. https://www.ft.com/content/83a14261-598d-4601-87fc-5dde528b33d0 Or you can trust trump supporter, anti vaxxer GRUHorn with your investments. What could go wrong?
  5. LOL. I prefer to invest in things that have actual intrinsic value like real estate. Good luck with the marks though! And that fight against the government. It’s always good to be the early investor in the pyramid scheme. Better anyway.
  6. It’s true I ignored your explanations and reasons. Here’s another post where I do it again but this time say I’m sorry.
  7. Grifters get upset when they get called out on their grift so “unga bunga libz” is all they got to fall back on.
  8. All I know is that if anti vaxxer GRUHorn or whatever he’s calling himself now and Dr. Bravo are in favor of it then it’s definitely a scam that will eventually crash and burn.
  9. Shooting hogs from a helicopter while blowing a bunch of dough was one of the best moment of your life while it pissed off your wife? Was that super pathetic fact included in the divorce paperwork she filed?
  10. But I’d like a justice who also will take into consideration the real-life impact of the decisions he or she will be making.” The horror!
  11. More honest discussion goin on from the sack right here. Just an alternative viewpoint. Definitely not right wing trolling. Nuh uh.
  12. There was no doubt hugo was spamming the board. Hell he started a shitload of the threads in here. Maybe it’s just me but that’s different than trolling. He hasn’t posted much lately though, while the sack seems to have upped his troll game after a long break. Maybe they’re the same person then just riding whatever wave is better trolling at the time.
  13. You laugh while typing out your own stupid posts? You’re a psycho.
  14. I’m pretty sure that’s the 90s version of Anastasis.
  15. Good idea. Let’s start with Kyle Rittenhouse.
  16. The truth can hurt. We understand. Next time just say thugs.
  17. I guess fattyflattie would put this in his category of “reasonable discussion” or “differing opinions.”
  18. Damn that would suck to be your brother. Also this story sounds like complete bullshit.
  19. Everyone knows the federalist society is a lefty commie front specifically designed to stack the Supreme Court with libtards who failed to recognize that Trump actually won. I mean think about it. How insane and stupid are guys like sack and the fellow right wing lunatics who agree with guys like him. It’s just beyond nuts how far gone they are and it’s the majority of the Republican Party. A party which should be outlawed before they have the opportunity to destroy the country like the nazis did to Germany. It’s obvious that’s what they want to do.
  20. I agree this country has a huge problem with white right extremist gangs with too many guns.
  21. So I guess this is the designated thread for the sack, Dr. bravo and their various socks to run around liking each others posts? Because that’s sure what it seems like. A right wing troll circle jerk interrupted by the occasional normal post.
  22. They forgot to pass the second amendment, get judges to misinterpret it, and form the NRA primarily backed by Russian money. The swiss frown on that sort of thing.
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