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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. Yeah that too. All of it. Prior to the hearing I didn’t really oppose it because the result was preordained, the allegations were really old and never gonna be proved, and the republicans would just nominate some other asshole. After watching that hearing though I was saying there’s no way this guy should serve on the court. Then Lindsey had her hissy fit and donkey dong Doug got on anyway.
  2. Sack and his ilk think bretts stupid ass calendars prove he didn’t rape anyone. It’s hopeless trying to convince him otherwise. Nevermind that the thing that did prove he wasn’t capable of serving on the court was his ridiculous meltdown during the confirmation hearings. Prior to that while I believed her it wasn’t gonna be proved and therefore wasn’t disqualifying. Then he pulls his hysterical crying stunt at the hearings and proved he’s just a Ken Starr style hack with no principles who doesn’t have the temperament to serve on the court.
  3. Holy shit do NOT show those photos to the sack or he might have a brain aneurysm. Also it’ll be Jackson so 66 seems low to me.
  4. Says the guy who went to tech.
  5. You’re just mad that pence didn’t help trump steal the election for him.
  6. Well except if you were a slave or a Native American. Jesus.
  7. Dumb poster makes yet another dumb post.
  8. I don’t give a fuck which one it is but they need to get her confirmed ASAP before Moscow Mitch decides to rub out a dem senator. And yes the republicans are gonna whine and stomp their feet a bit because that is literally the only thing they do nowadays except try to cut taxes for the ultra wealthy but they can’t do a damn thing about it so fuck em.
  9. Trump nominated only white men until he was forced to nominate an unqualified white women by the bortion jesus freaks. You are the most dense poster on this board.
  10. You were there that night? Figures
  11. He thinks anyone to the left of trump is a “Leftist.” He also was absolutely furious at the treatment of fellow frat dude donkey dong Doug during his rape confirmation hearing. He’s kinda like a non gay version of Lindsey graham.
  12. Pro rape wing of surly chiming in with their thoughts.
  13. 51 isn’t too old. That’s basically 30 years on the bench. Donkey dong Doug is 56.
  14. It will be a young black woman who is very well qualified and who is also willing to poison Clarence Thomas.
  15. Yeah there’s definitely something wrong going on there. Not sure what but it seems kinda fucked up.
  16. Yep. Car wash is still there too. Different name. Although now somewhat ironically it’s now a “touch less” car wash. Cops still haven’t solved the yogurt shop murders either for some reason. FBI has a potential DNA match but is withholding it for “privacy” reasons. Uh huh. This town can be fucked up sometimes.
  17. There were 2245 murders in NYC in 1990. Last year there were 488, about the same number they had in 1961. Anyone who thinks crime is spiraling out of control just doesn’t remember or never knew the 70s and 80s.
  18. Kasey ain’t really a radio guy but I will say he was skeptical about our OL this year way before anyone else and he was got damn right.
  19. Dennis Johnson was definitely one of the most bizarre looking dudes I ever saw. Made rambis, bird and Laimbeer look downright normal.
  20. They don’t do that at all. Are you not familiar with the jury system and summary judgment?
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