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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. Yeah but Demoncrats want to give free stuff to poors. Specifically Obamaphones.
  2. When the Texas grid goes down, it won’t make a big difference between whether or not Greg Abbott attacked it, or just let it fail because he’s an incompetent boob. Either way it failed and were fucked.
  3. Craig is s great play by play guy and a really good color guy. As a radio talk show host, well he does know a shitload about high school football,
  4. Bravo clams he has me on ignore. I bet he’s lying about that too but it couldn’t hurt if you asked him what poster was allegedly going after his kids. The guy is almost always totally full of shit.
  5. Since you are a known liar and troll who exactly are you claiming went after your kids?
  6. Like it or not these kinds of prosecutions take time. The Biden administration cannot immediately lock up trump because it would look political and in fact would be political. That’s not how it works. Michael Cohen is in jail because he’s a nobody. Same as me and you if we did what he did. Like it or not Trump was the fucking president so the case against him has to be strong to warrant an arrest. I believe it will be but what I believe don’t matter.
  7. Same. Something about that dude drove me to hate him. The shorts. The haircut. The why hasn’t this face been punched yet. The way too pasty white skin. Never actually winning anything. It was basically like God said design the most annoying basketball player ever and they came up with him.
  8. Never trust semi short pasty white guys who can hoop. Learned that one a long time ago.
  9. Yeah but ya see, that’s how they gets ya! Sneaking around and such.
  10. Some say rocko due to his tendency to post photos to “prove” whatever it is he’s saying. Im in Hawaii so here’s a beach photo, I went to UT so here I am flipping off my own UT diploma, I’m banging a hooker so here’s a pic of her wig, etc. I’m not convinced of that yet though.
  11. I thought it was you can’t fight city hall, don’t ever trust whitey, and have a doctor look at it. I could be misremembering though.
  12. That definitely helps a lot. But being the president makes you bulletproof. Trump attacked the capitol because he knew what losing the presidency meant.
  13. Nah he’s a grifter. Civil Default judgments are just part of the game.
  14. Yeah in the first part I think it pretty clearly shows that Alex knew what he was saying was bullshit nobody would listen to. Just covering his ass. Like I said, he’s insane but actually fairly smart. As for the second part, most congressional investigation committees are just pure partisan bullshit like Benghazi or Ken star or done kind of half assed like Iran contra or done with a specific mission in mind like the Warren report. This one is actually critical and they don’t know the answer starting out.
  15. All these guys are pleading the fifth for a reason and it’s not because they are innocent.
  16. Alex may be totally insane but he’s not a total idiot. He was smart to say to the crowd on his bullhorn to not be violent and to wait for trump to speak knowing full well that the crowd was about to be violent no matter what Alex said on his bullhorn and trump wasn’t showing up. I’ll give him credit for that much aforethought.
  17. Trump got away with everything he wanted to because he was the president and the most powerful person in the world. It’s pretty damn difficult to take down the most powerful person in the world for just about anything no matter how obvious especially when you have the full throated support of a criminal organization calling itself the Republican Party. Trump is no longer the president.
  18. Your zoom invite to the meeting next week has already been rescinded.
  19. Also its been my experience that many of those who become independently super wealthy without inheriting it are just much more ruthless than the next guy and display many narcissistic tendencies (not as bad as trump of course). Think Gordon gekko. I don’t think society should admire or reward that but in America at least we do.
  20. Certain posters once again espousing their opinion that the reason the poor are poor is due to their own “poor choices.” It would be funny if it wasn’t so stupid. Like I’m sure many on this board I’ve got relatives who have made “poor choices” and are doing ok with some still wealthy anyway because they inherited a bunch of shit. It’s really past time to stop pretending America is just a meritocracy where the rich are smart who made good choices and the poor are dumb who made poor choices. In most instances wealth is inherited, like trump, not all of course.
  21. The one and only time I’ve ever rooted for tech in anything and they totally came through by stomping his whiny ass in the holiday bowl. I actually bet Tech big on that game which just made it that much better.
  22. Rodgers is by far the biggest douchebag in the NFL in the non criminal category and that’s a really tall mountain to climb. Glad he lost. Hope he retires and goes away for good but I doubt it.
  23. Ok. Also what’s up with your avatar? Is that a Michael Jackson version of little Debbie?
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