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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. The simulation does have a sense of humor.
  2. Hey me too! Just thought the board wanted to know.
  3. Meat loaf was popular for the same reason Chips was a popular TV show. Because there are a shit ton of idiots in the world. And so you don’t call me an elitist I used to like meat loaf and chips. And the dukes of hazard. I used to be an idiot.
  4. One thing I always loved about Austin was Eeyores birthday party. Over the years it transformed from a party in the park about smoking pot to a party about smoking pot in the park in a drum circle. Time marches on.
  5. Fox News introduced the red state versus blue state dynamic back when bush was the president. This didn’t exist before. When Reagan won the states he won were characterized by the media as blue. At that time color didn't matter, Colors used to not matter. The reason for that is division. Everyone understands colors and it’s one of the first thing we learn as children. You are now either on the red team or the blue. Not red white and blue. This is all planned.
  6. It ain’t over. Far from it. I knew we were in danger but I foolishly did not see January 6 happening. Luckily the worst didn’t happen but what has happened since is worse. These people must hang and since Biden is the president, it still can happen.
  7. In hindsight it really is amazing. Growing up I thought this country was the greatest in the world. At UT I had a Spanish professor from some Central American country who espoused it wouldn’t last and predicted it would end in our lifetime. I thought he was wrong and argued with him about that...
  8. As soon as the sack gives me the 10k loan I’ve asked him for I will. He keeps ignoring me though. I am beginning to think he doesn’t like me. Why I don’t know.
  9. Trump should be convicted for treason and sentenced to death by an all black DC jury where the prosecution strikes any white person from the jury. It’s the only way out of this mess.
  10. She’s not a whore! She could only make $50 an hour (at best) as an actual dick sucking whore. Being a trump world grifter pays more than that.
  11. “Good to see the clowns are still clowning.” - the Honorable JimmyJames
  12. The state rights to own slaves. I actually remember the first time I heard that the civil war was a fight over states rights. It came from an aunt who also told me pizza was actually good for you. I was 6 or 7. I totally agreed with the pizza part. Didn’t care about the civil war part at the time.
  13. Yeah it was the war of northern aggression. I spent a few of my early years growing up in west Texas so I’m well versed in all that terminology.
  14. It actually breaks my heart that the ones who truly now want to make America into the ideal it initially it claimed it wanted to be, the African Americans, are the ones the white Americans are currently opposing. Preventing their vote. America was founded on an at the time revolutionary ideal. That all men are created equal. After the British were defeated, the actual internal obstacle to that was internal racism, slavery, and genocide. Which of course happened. The torch bearers of that ideal since then have been the African Americans. Who, despite all obstacles, have continued to carry that torch and have tried to realize the ideal of America that all men and women are created equal. That fight continues on.
  15. If firing squads were allowed I’d prefer that but I’ll settle for hangings. The gallows should be set up in front of the capitol though for maximum effect with the photos. Broadcast around the world. This is worse than the civil war and the confederacy. This is an attempted coup and revolution based on one egomaniac and a bunch of his dipshits. At least there was a reason the south seceded. This has no reason whatsoever other than protecting one man and is therefore far, far worse.
  16. Also for those of you with wondering why this isn’t bigger national news there is a couple reasons for that. One is that it is brand new information and the government and 1/6 committee doesn’t know exactly what it means yet so it is prudent and correct to proceed with caution. The other reason is that one of the undisclosed purposes of the national media is to attempt to maintain order and prevent any spark of revolution. It is in the interests of the ultra wealthy to keep that up. They do that constantly. The editors of the New York Times know where their bread is buttered.
  17. It sorta makes sense. Nobody ever wants to believe they were so stupid they actually killed themselves and it was easily avoidable to boot. Much easier to just blame something else on your death bed.
  18. Yeah it’s fucking nuts. Top 10 I believe. Sorry about your uncle. RIP.
  19. https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/21183521/jan-6-draft.pdf This was the plan. This document from the national archives show just how close we came to no longer having a country.
  20. The only reason that treasonous executive order wasn’t signed and issued was because the attack on the capitol ultimately failed. If it had been successful, that treasonous executive order would have been signed and instead of us learning that Biden had been inaugurated we would have all learned a year ago that we were now in a trump dictatorship.
  21. Trump wanted the mob to kill him. Just because the plan was both crazy and didn’t work doesn’t mean it still wasn’t treason anyway. Crazy shit happens sometimes. Trump knows that. Once he knew it hadn’t worked he’s been backtracking ever since.
  22. Where’s Mike pence! If the mob had found Pence they would have killed him. An African American police officer likely saved the republic. Now the Republican Party wants to prevent the African American vote. These fuckers need to hang. All of them.
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