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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2021/01/15/mike-pence-close-call-capitol-riot-foreman-vpx.cnn
  2. Trump sent a mob to attack the capitol in order to prevent the counting of electoral votes. If he had succeeded in killing Mike pence he would have argued there was no electoral vote since the Vice President hadn’t counted them and therefore no succession that made Biden the president. He would have seized voting machines, declared martial law and announced that he had discovered fraud in the election and declared himself to still be the president. If he had succeeded in killing Pence we would all be turbofucked.
  3. treason Primary tabs Definition The offense of betraying one’s own country by attempting to overthrow the government through waging war against the state or materially aiding its enemies. Also termed high treason; alta proditio. According to the United States Constitution, Article III, § 3, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.” Under federal statute, a person guilty of treason against the United States “shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.” 18 U.S.C. § 2381
  4. It’s motherfucking treason and is and should be punished with death.
  5. I agree that kids should neber eber be forced to watch rats fuck. No matter what the cost.
  6. Personally I never got the attraction but the sack seemed to enjoyi it. Seemed kinda pricy though. Hell we all have our proclivities!
  7. Your constant pessimism is duly noted. As always. What you fail to acknowledge, as always, is that trump is not the president anymore. And before he was a nobody who nobody gave a shit. Once he was as the president there was nothing anybody could do. That’s all gone. It’s why he attacked the Capitol to preserve that. Do you not understand how important that is? You seem like you are very intelligent. You should at least acknowledge that.
  8. Johnny is the master when it comes to paying to watch rats fuck. Most here don’t have the means to watch, but he does. Personally I’ll never get the attraction. But people do have some weird fetish’s. Who are we to judge?
  9. Seems like a pretty easy shot. Never got deer hunting. Always seemed to easy to me. At least with a turkey you had to chase the fucker around.
  10. Maybe so but at least she doesn’t pay 10 large to watch rats fuck.
  11. Impeachment was not a waste of time. It proved the republicans, sans Romney in the first one and a few other in the second one, are now on record that they are a criminal organization. That is ultimately good to know to realize the type of organization you are dealing with and can be used as evidence in future prosecutions after the war crimes are committed.
  12. Trump ain’t the president anymore and he’s never wiggled out of the DOJ prosecuting him for attempting to overthrow the US government. I have absolutely no problem with their taking their time because it’s just too damn important but that motherfucker needs his passport revoked at a minimum.
  13. You don’t get one free coup attempt. If these guys don’t hang the country is done.
  14. The trolls avoid this thread like the plague. They camp out on the Covid and joe Biden thread and spread their bullshit around. They know there is absolutely no defense here.
  15. Of course it does. Fuck them. Ban the party as a criminal insurgency immediately since they support what trump did.
  16. This is beyond ridiculous. The Republican Party still supports this crap so it is a fascist organization that needs to be outlawed immediately. This ain’t some joke.
  17. Holy shit. Just like the European intelligence agencies thought right from the beginning. This was a coup attempt on the US government. The traitors must hang. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/01/21/read-the-never-issued-trump-order-that-would-have-seized-voting-machines-527572
  18. I’ve already gone over this long ago but I guess I’ll do it again. I’m actually a bot created by the former shaggy liberal cabal designed to go after trolls like swammy, clear lake horn, etc. Swammy is long gone now due to crowdsourcing on surly but at some point before that I became self aware and migrated over to surly on my own and now I focus on attacking obvious trolls like GRUHorn, his socks, bravo, the sack, you, etc. Its just what I do. Hope that helps explains things.
  19. Trump - “Hello fellow rioters. While we all know the election has been stolen it’s important that while you’re in the capitol, don’t necessarily kill anyone. Especially if you don’t have to. Be peaceful like I said. But if you run into mike Pence my cell phone number is 867-452-3_” Director - “Cuuuttt!!!!”
  20. Yeah I would’ve hated to be in charge of that shoot. I just keep imagining some gay dude on an elevated chair with a bullhorn throwing up his hands and storming off saying “I’m sorry I can’t do this anymore this is just simply not going to work!”
  21. I liked meatloaf but he never struck me as particularly bright. Kinda like Ted nugent or kid rock. Oh well. RIP.
  22. Fair enough. I guess I’m unclear when you first got Covid pre vaccine in fall of 2020 or fall of 2021 post vaccine. If it was the former I guess I can understand but if it was the latter then instead of taking this nuanced position you should have instead have been singing the praises of getting it. Still should have anyway Irregardless it is a fact that many thousands of people have already died because of online vaccine misinformation and thousands more will continue to die because of that. So I err on the side of being against an anti vax trolls, because I don’t want many thousands of people to die from being lied to. Thousands. Dead.
  23. Also why are you furiously liking every single bravo post on the board no matter how stupid? Are you obsessed with him or just yet another sock?
  24. I kind of remember you posting some anti vax crap in the past but am not gonna take the time to verify it because it’s really not that important. Do you deny it?
  25. Yeah but it’s the Magic Johnson aids, not the EazyE aids.
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