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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. It is interesting that the American far right viewed mandatory service in Vietnam as a civic obligation yet now views getting a shot in the arm as an infringement on their freedoms. Says a lot about their viewpoint.
  2. Yeah he’s really not good at it and is definitely not used to it. Oh well. He’s ultimately responsible for all of this as the Chief Justice who oversaw citizens United and gutted the voting rights act. It’s impossible to feel sorry for someone who reaps what they sow. He’s getting what he always wanted though. He may not have realized everything that came with it though.
  3. She also used to support filibuster reform. Can’t imagine what caused her to change that stance. Probably just the wisdom of age. Definitely not all that big pharmaceutical money.
  4. Told y’all she isn’t running again. I’m very interested to find out what her post senate job is gonna be because once that’s discovered she should be prosecuted. It’ll probably be as the president of a Christian anti-gay anti-abortion think tank that pays her 2 million a year.
  5. What would you call it when you say ACC Jimmy? Man you guys are so dim.
  6. What does you being a no risk factor boosted individual have to do with anything? You want a cookie? You’re just asking questions eh? Feel free to post for us all those credible scientific opinions you saw on YouTube that the Covid vaccines don’t work.
  7. I guess you decided to stay after all? Maybe you should read up on how we eliminated smallpox and polio and report back to us. Also feel free to post for us some credible reports that the Covid vaccines don’t work. The reality is that if the world listened to guys like you with stupid questions in the past we’d still be dealing with diseases like smallpox and polio. Hell maybe thanks to guys like you we will get to deal with them again along with a whole bunch of other diseases. Covid became politicized due to republicans claiming it was a personal freedom anti trump issue for political points instead of a disease running throughout society. It’s as simple as that. Fuck your both sides bullshit.
  8. When are you gonna post another pic of someone flipping off a UT diploma to “prove” you went to UT? Are you waiting for your next vacation in Hawaii spent all day posting troll posts on surly from the beach?
  9. “I once held the door open for an elderly black woman and told her hello.” - some poster on texags who supports voting restrictions for people located primarily in cities.
  10. He has shitty lawyers who have no case. It’s a bad combo. It’s only purpose is to delay and hope for a fraud like Clarence Thomas to assist with that delay. Didn’t work. The lawyers wont be held in criminal contempt. They could face monetary sanctions for filling a frivolous lawsuit but don’t see it happening here. Trumps criminal behavior as president is unprecedented so the lawyers can always argue that since it’s not well settled law it’s not subject to them being sanctioned.
  11. I see your “4 doors more whores” sock is running around liking all your stupid ass posts. Should I run and tell the mods like a little bitch like you did with Penelope? Heres a hint. Don’t create a sock with the exact same handle as what’s stated in your avatar.
  12. I think most should get the vax like me if medically appropriate and those who refuse should be catapulted out of town like they did to that banner guy in the prohibition episode of the simpsons.
  13. “I’m vaxxed but here’s some anti vax talking points” has officially replaced “I didn’t vote for trump but here’s some pro trump talking points” for our resident trolls.
  14. Almost every state with voter ID laws has free forms of voter ID. Im also not familiar with state voting laws so everything I just said was bullshit. But I do have a couple questions. Thank you. Thank you. My next show starts at 11:00.
  15. Yeah but that just made it obvious and plain as day. It actually goes back to at least the 50s and McCarthy.
  16. Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation as a wartime measure freeing the southern slaves. If the voting rights acts doesn’t pass due to Republican intransigence, Biden should issue a similar proclamation that the Republican Party given what it did on January 6 is now illegal in the United States given its seditious attempts to overthrow democracy in America.
  17. Because your team attacked the Capitol after losing and has gone full fascist since then so he’s right. Sorry not sorry.
  18. If he said that he’s right. Your team is actively trying to steal all future elections, just like it did on January 6 when your team attacked the Capitol. You don’t get to try to steal future elections then bitch when called out in it. Own your shit.
  19. It’s called calling a bluff. Man a lot of you are easy marks at poker. Let’s see if Putin goes all in anyway. He might.
  20. Cancel Culture is eboowaboo control!!! Badoosomething!!
  21. Some of them would rather risk death than admit they were wrong. Just think about how fucked up that is. When you jump off the Golden Gate Bridge there’s a 99 percent chance you will die. Every once in a while, if you jump off and are young enough and in good enough shape and hit the water feet first at a certain angle and then somehow get rescued in the water in time you can survive the jump. It’s happened rarely but a few times. Maybe around 30 times. Without fail when asked about it they all say that immediately after they jumped they immediately regretted it and all of a sudden all of their problems in life became meaningless and they totally regretted it. I bet it’s like that for the Covid deniers on the brink of death too, or at least it should be.
  22. We’re not avoiding Covid, just trying to make it endemic. The hold up is the anti vax morons. I don’t care if you’ve been vaxed and have had Covid. You are making excuses for morons who refuse to get the vaccine because they are whining bitch ass toddlers in adult bodies. Fuck them and fuck you for spreading excuses for these assholes.
  23. He is really making the other hacks look bad. Its like once scalia died old Clarence just decided fuck it, I give not a single shit about the court or anything else. He’s become completely unhinged. In a judicial sense of course.
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