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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. The guy has a handle that is identical to your current avatar. I realize you’re a complete idiot like that but just thought you should know how obvious you’re being.
  2. I have to wonder how many times Eric was given a wedgy or had his horrible mug shoved in a toilet. By his school mates of course, his dad would probably also do it, but flat forgot he exists so often that he never got around to it. Eric Trump graduated from Georgetown University with a business degree in finance and management. Like his dad junior graduated Ivy League at the Wharton school of business. Think about that. These are our leaders.
  3. Your sock is liking your posts. Try not to make it so obvious.
  4. This should be the final post and end of any thread discussing the cowboys. We can all prance around the maypole and discuss the team ad nauseam on the net but nothing is ever gonna change and you’ve gotta be a complete chump to watch this team with anything other than bemusement. Mccarthy will be retained because Jerry will need a scapegoat next year when the team goes 8-9 and misses the playoffs or at best, loses in the first round again. Set your watch to it. This should have been perfectly obvious to everyone the very second that jerry fired, or ran off jimmy, or whatever actually happened after winning two fucking Super Bowls. I admit it took me until the end of the parcels era to finally figure it out because I’m kinda dumb like that but at least I finally did.
  5. Knew a dude in high school who wouldn’t be caught dead without a small visine bottle in his pocket for some strange reason. Maybe it was you?
  6. It’s disturbing how true this is, is not hyperbole at all, and may even be exaggerated somewhat as Cop 1 is unlikely to face much of any consequences at all.
  7. If this imbecile thinks she’s running for president now she’s dumber than I thought. Nah, this is just a money grab and she’s angling for a cushy job paid for by some Republican asshole after she gets easily primaried in 2 years. What a total waste. Fuck her.
  8. Yes which is why the republicans are looking to change that. Starting this next election.
  9. The sack posts a lot of dumb shit that I don’t normally neg but I am this one. It’s so disingenuous and highlights his ultra elite worldview of the world where he thinks he is superior to everyone because he was born rich but in fact he is inferior to almost everyone because he’s dumb. It’s a defense mechanism that he uses to get through the day while being a total asshole. Like a mini Trump.
  10. The Sack setting the record straight. Hey at least it wasn’t a troll post this time against “the left.” Baby steps.
  11. They’re too busy saving Christmas and bringing on the apocalypse so they can shake hands with Jesus. Little do they know how pissed he is at them.
  12. He looks like what would come out if Rand Paul fucked a female munchkin.
  13. So is this because of the trump support for the vaccine or did I miss something else?
  14. Hell, once huffines loses to Abbott in the Texas primary he can just move to Florida and run for governor there.
  15. And now the corporate media is going into hyperdrive somehow blaming Biden and Schumer for the failure of the voting rights bill instead of putting the blame squarely where it belongs on the entire Republican Party and a couple corporate hack democratic senators. It’s so fucking obvious and predictable.
  16. Trump absolutely loves treating his supporters like dogshit.
  17. He’s apparently like Kaiser soze among the DT assholes which means he’s someone’s sock. Tough to get rid of then.
  18. Corporate America put the quick kibosh on that wish. That and punishment for the Afghanistan withdrawal disturbing the gravy train and same as it ever was. Corporate media has certainty done its job so far. Same as it ever was.
  19. The Cowboys weren’t moving to LA. That’s some ludicrous bullshit.
  20. I would suppose millennials in the FBI on the net and Twitter might not be in tune with all its complete past. CIA was much worse though so let’s not go quite too far. Matter of degree.
  21. Tis a little weird. Guess no time like the present to repent? All I got.
  22. You should be negged to oblivion for this because it’s such a lie and has no purpose other than to troll. I’m sure your DT friends will once again rally to your worthless defense though. Serious question. What exactly do you think you are accomplishing here? I’m quite sure you post this crap all over Facebook and Twitter and that effectively accomplishes what you are trying to do by fooling the olds and the rubes. Here, you are only making sure the people who oppose your lies are aware of it. Seems counterproductive.
  23. Playing the whole clip doesn’t fit within the troll game Facebook framework.
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