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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. It doesn’t matter how many times you say this it doesn’t make it true. But keep it up little man! You’re doing good! Proud of ya!
  2. That and he wanted to give it to Biden to hopefully kill him.
  3. The Jewish space lasers were definitely involved here. It’s how they got the cargo trains open. George Soros may have personally pushed the laser buttons. Not sure on that yet though.
  4. Nope. Definitely George Soros’s fault. In all seriousness this is a good post. Perhaps the first one in the thread to actually make sense. And on page 3 too? Gotta be a surly record.
  5. I’m pretty sure this is Trumps fault. In all seriousness not investigating property crime has been a long police tradition here in Austin, which typically has higher than average property crime and much lower than average violent crime. When the dude’s car got stolen in the big Lebowski his interactions with the LA cops could have been mistaken for an APD documentary. People from California who move here often ask why people here drive so slow. Well back in the 80s and 90s before everyone on the planet decided to move here and Austin was still a semi sleepy college and government town, since the cops chose not to investigate all the property crime and there was so little violent crime the cops really had nothing better to do than write speeding tickets and help facilitate the local drug trade. I don’t know if that’s true everywhere but I bet it is in LA and has been for some time, so this is likely nothing new.
  6. Of course the state has a compelling interest in protecting widespread property crime. That’s not what this is about. Is a cop stationed outside your house to make sure your television doesn’t get stolen? Of course not. Union Pacific can afford and can figure out how to protect its own trains and tracks. If it chooses not to that is a business decision, not a defund the police matter.
  7. Little known fact. Joe Biden’s great great grandpappy was a pirate so therefore he’s secretly plotting to make piracy legal, but only if you’re black or Mexican. White people still cannot plunder the high seas. Read about it on Facebook.
  8. Happens every damn time! Ya elect a dem into office and all the train robbers get let out of jail and your leotards and commemorative trumpy bear gets stolen on route!
  9. LOL at the usual turds trying to make this a political issue with their bullshit defund the cops arguments. Union Pacific has plenty of money to spend protecting its own fucking trains and tracks yet some of y’all expect the taxpayer to do it for them? That’s about as good of an example of a Republican opinion that exists right there.
  10. So has the Supreme Court weighed in yet on who has to wear hard hats on construction sites and when? What is justice donkey dong Doug’s position on appropriate workplace signage?
  11. While true. It was always a huge disappointment. Each one worst than the last. I never hated white. Still don’t. But the results are what they are.
  12. Austinites are insane. That is now a given. Hell just look at Alex Jones. And I’m one of them. Despite what assholes like sack may say, this board isn’t liberal. It’s just anti trump. And that is a great thing. All hail the surly liberal cabal!
  13. Yep which is why I have no problem with them taking their time. This is too important.
  14. Much will depend on what the DOJ and the house committee find out. I have no doubt, zero doubt, what happened here. But like Tom cruise so eloquently said in a few good men, it’s not what I believe, it’s what I can prove!
  15. He’s sorry “if” you’re offended.
  16. I’m sorry if I helped killed some Jews.
  17. Nobody knows how the fourteenth amendment factors in here. But it’s in play.
  18. Yeah it’s just so fake and non Texan that it pisses me off. Some dipshit from Maryland prances into town, puts on some gloves, and drives a stupid looking truck to act “Texan.” It’s a fucking joke. And the seals seal clap to it.
  19. Fair enough but I do not recall people saying Biden was a lock only that he was a favorite but I’m not the omniscient board police. I agree with pushing back on the narrative such as it existed that Biden was a lock. Just like I’m pushing back on your narrative that we’re all DOOMED.
  20. You also thought trump would win in 2020 and he didn’t. You are now saying you thought he probably would win which while true, since were both lawyers we know what you’re doing with that hedge. Charging the oath keepers with sedition means one of two things or both, they have very credible evidence to prove it and/or to ratchet up the pressure to flip on the big fish. Time will tell if happens but I at least, will celebrate this as an important for first step to get to the real traitors.
  21. My question is who the fuck in the Democratic Party vetted this imbecile to be a senator.
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