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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. I mean shouldn’t it have been perfectly obvious that once we elected a b rate actor to be president where we were headed?
  2. I’m starting to get worried that I’m agreeing with Annie too much lately. Am I ok?
  3. Congress critters should not be allowed to trade stocks in any capacity. And if they do it should be 20 years in prison. I’d love to hear the argument against that.
  4. Counterpoint. The trumpkins are not nearly as far along as the nazis were at that point then, so perhaps a Churchill is not yet needed.
  5. Fine. Bloc. You’re right. But no conviction means no vote. I understand the pessimism. Things are bad, no doubt. Very bad. But things often get bad. If I’m Winston Churchill with the nazis overtaking all of Europe and basically the entire British army stuck and basically trapped in France, it would be easy to just give up and negotiate some sort of peace too. That didn’t happen, and the world got a reprieve from history, if only for a short while.
  6. They just won’t vote. Keep in mind the anti vaxxers are not the majority of trump supporters, just a significant block.
  7. While you may be right I’m not so sure. If Jim Jones had told his followers to start trusting the government some of them wouldn’t have followed him to Jonestown. Many still would but not all. He will easily win any republican primary if he runs but a significant amount of anti vaxxers won’t show up to vote in the general if he keeps this up. It’s kind of an interesting litmus test to tell whether or not he’s serious about running. If he keeps doubling down on the vaccine, it’s an indicator that he isn’t really serious about running because his ego tells him he won’t win and he desperately needs valediction boyo about his creation of the vaccine.
  8. Trump v. The anti vaxxer idiots who support him is gonna be quite hilarious.
  9. If this were true trump would have won in 2020, especially with the inherent incumbency advantage. He didn’t and it won’t be better in 2024 if he tries as a challenger. He lost in 2020 fairly handily. He only beat Hillary because people didn’t like Hillary, she was a shitty candidate, and Trump was an unknown wild card. Well over half the country despises him now. And for the republicans to even have a chance to steal the election in 2024 they have to win the house in 2024. That’s a tall order with trump on the ticket.
  10. Rich and connected daddy syndrome in play here.
  11. Look Jules, did you ever hear the philosophy that once a man admits he's wrong, then he's automatically forgiven of that wrongdoing?
  12. I’ve never visited the food forum but apparently I’ve been missing out and will.
  13. Robert Kraft says it’s legal and that’s good enough for me.
  14. So there’s cheeseburger porn? Interesting.
  15. Methinks you need to visit the local rub and tug more often. Might cheer you up.
  16. Is fart porn a thing? Because I’m not googling that.
  17. I have to admit that while I am well aware the wheels of justice move slowly, this one is moving way too slow for me, but hell if I know.
  18. That would be DDD Dad to you son.
  19. He became a hero to them with his birther lie which allowed them to openly despise Obama not because he’s bleck, oh noes, it’s because he’s a an illegitimate fraud of a president and a Kenyan! It was probably a Russian idea planted on team trump. Someone taught him how to use Twitter and the rest is history. After that he could do no wrong.
  20. For some reason that truck is pissing me off. I mean WTF is that?
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