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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. Is this for real? Because that’s fucked up man.
  2. Since she doesn’t exist and is just a figment of the imagination of an anti vax troll, then no, the 13 year old is not pregnant.
  3. So is this GRUhorns new anti vax handle? ”They can definitely mess up your cycles.” Please explain how this is “definite” based just on your bullshit story.
  4. Anti vax crap posting is very annoying.
  5. One of the annoying things about the internet is it tells you a phrase like this one actually originated from game of thrones.
  6. While sorta accurate it was the Catch that set this into motion. I was very young but I could sense that fumble by White coming up was almost inevitable. Because the Catch should not have happened in the first place. It was like the fumbled punt by Craig curry in the 1984 cotton bowl, which I had front row upper deck cotton bowl seats to witness. It set into motion a decline that took years to recover from. Less so for the cowboys than the horns. My younger years as a cowboys and horns fan were full of trauma.
  7. I always hated McDonald’s birthday parties. Ya Don’t see those anymore.
  8. Because the only single thing the republicans cared about or will ever care about in the future is reducing taxes for the rich and they didn’t and don’t need to nuke the filibuster to do it.
  9. Personally I’ve found that taking birth control pills prevents Covid. Manboobs are an unfortunate side effect but it’s better then having metal spoons fly into your face. Also my skin has never been softer.
  10. I’m no expert on it but it’s my understanding that the 2022 lame duck house doesn’t get to potentially overrule the voters in 2024 it’s the 2024 elected house. Is that not correct?
  11. What happened after just made it worse. It’s almost like you could sense it was coming.
  12. The Catch is one of my earliest Cowboys memories. Easily the worst one too.
  13. Gym wanted to make sure nobody on the committee got molested since he now has an eye for that sort of thing.
  14. Yeah same. It was actually kind of shocking. The English speaking people in Ontario would make fun of and look down on them and I didn’t really believe it until I saw it.
  15. I would gladly accept a president cow turd right now if it means trump is dead in 2024.
  16. Man, the bathroom in that place is gonna be disgusting with all the pissing on the walls and daily upper deckers.
  17. As I walk through the halls of the trump library, I will continue to repeatedly exclaim in a loud voice, “Wow, wooweee, look ma what trump did here!” Over and over again.
  18. Personally I can’t wait to visit the “Trump presidential library.” It will be more hilarious than the aggy “hall of champions.” Unfortunately I cannot envision any scenario where it is actually built.
  19. The ultra rich are looking for any way they can to overturn this conviction. This juror is likely being paid to say the things he’s saying. The court should ignore it.
  20. No retrial is warranted. Although the ultra rich do get better brand of justice so we shall see.
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