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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. Doubling down on the dumbassery I see. What is it with you? At least once a month you post the most ridiculous crap. Then go back to normal for awhile. It’s very weird
  2. It would be nice if republicans stopped acting like immature jackasses in totally wrong settings. It’s a shame you don’t see that.
  3. Was it supposed to be a stand in for “fuck Donald trump” and used by idiots at weddings and on Christmas calls with their kids and the president? You guys are just so fucking immature and dumb. Grow the fuck up.
  4. Exactly. The issue is not whether the rule makes sense, it’s who gets to decide whether or not it makes sense. And it’s not, nor should it be, 9 unelected old guys and gals in black robes sitting on an elevated bench for the entire rest of their lives if they want.
  5. No not really. The vast majority of white southerners didn’t own people. Which is why their support of the civil war was even more stupid than the dipshits who ransacked the capitol a year ago since a whole lot more of them got killed fighting to preserve the slave owners potential profits. The idiots at the capitol just wanted their joke of a president to keep his job after being outright lied to and they’re too stupid to see it. 160 years later and the white man/woman still hasn’t figured out who is actually screwing them over. Here’s a hint though. It ain’t the blacks, browns, and immigrants.
  6. Elections have consequences. OSHA regulates the workplace as a power given to it by a congress, whether you agree or disagree with those regulations And if Covid isn’t an emergency then nothing is. The Supreme Court is not equipped to regulate the workplace like it’s probably about to do. Better OSHA than the court. This is just political, which the Supreme Court should do its best to stay out of, not look for ways to get involved. Just another brick in the wall of the perception of the legitimacy of the court.
  7. This discussion about alleged quotes by Supreme Court justices during oral argument does an excellent job in illustrating why the Supreme Court shouldn’t be involved here and should not be overruling what OSHA did, but apparently nobody really cares about the part that really matters.
  8. Explaining to republicans why “let’s go Brandon” is juvenile and stupid reminds me of back when I had to explain to my kids why they needed to use a napkin at dinner and don’t eat certain foods with your hands.
  9. I have no clue why sack thinks he’s insulting this board when he says it’s the opposite of texags. It’s a huge compliment and oh by the way, since when was it an insult to longhorn fans to say they’re not aggy.
  10. You have got to be kidding. Let’s go Brandon isn’t funny. It’s just juvenile and stupid. I might have thought it funny when I was in first grade but probably not. If you want to say fuck joe Biden go right ahead. But this whole “let’s go Brandon! Tee hee hee” Is just dumb.
  11. Yeah reads like just some standard talking points to spread as widely as possible on the net.
  12. Yeah dude should just start drinking again and spare us his bullshit.
  13. The sack vouching for Texags and criticizing surly for not being more like it and in fact the opposite. Classic.
  14. Where one is born does not dictate their morality. It can color their thoughts. There is a difference.
  15. Yep. It was evil. And without Lincoln we might still have slavery today and the world is a very different place. The south could have won in the sense that the political motivation to fight might have eventually dissipated. It was not a “lost cause” automatically. It’s why Lincoln was easily our greatest president IMO with Washington a clear second. So forgive me if I don’t excuse general Robert E Lee and his loyalty to the state of Virginia motivations.
  16. It is an interesting discussion that without his invention there is no civil war.
  17. This is an excellent post. The leaders of the south didn’t just want to be “left alone.” They wanted to expand slavery as far and as wide as they could and that meant much of the Americas. They were a bunch of evil motherfuckers and so was oath breaking asshole general Lee. You can make whatever nuanced excuse you want for him but I say once again, fuck him.
  18. I think any nuanced discussion regarding general Lee should start with the dukes of hazard and go from there.
  19. We all know you are the victim here sack. No need to belabor the point and highlight the meanness with which this board treats you.
  20. He also has dead eyes. Black. Like a dolls eyes.
  21. Trump has definitely set the record for the most times losing a single election. It’s like Cal Ripken’s consecutive game streak or Joe DiMaggio’s consecutive hit in a game streak. Never to be broken.
  22. Ghouls gonna ghoul. Also the doors movie totally sucked. Huge disappointment.
  23. Yeah except it's a whole caravan of them with jacked trucks and flags, Lakeway realtors with wrapped Suvs. Packing heat, maybe some pipe bombs. And that's just a whole bunch of UT fans, not the sec sec crowd looking to bring back Jim Crow for non football players. That’s what lawyers, guns and money are for. The shit has hit the fan.
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