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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. Let’s be clear about something. What happened on 1/6 was not some sort of accident, or a situation that got out of control, or an antifa driven plot, or whatever else bullshit trump supporters like sack and his ilk want to put out there to excuse what happened. We all have eyes. We all have brains. And we’re all about to have evidence to go along with it. This was a planned and coordinated coup to illegally keep trump in power, was an anti American insurrection just like the south did in the civil war, and certain people need to go to prison, certain people need to be hanged, and trump needs to either spend the rest of his life in prison or get dug into an unmarked grave because his kids won’t bother to pay for a better one. He is ineligible and cannot serve in office anymore based on the fourteenth amendment. That much is clear. He should get a trial though before he is hanged for his crimes.
  2. He’s just a total asshole and proud of it. Born on third base and thinks he hit a triple. Then steals second base and starts talking shit about it. Usually on this board during happy hour.
  3. Sack. - “The attack on the Capitol was dumb, but...”
  4. Yeah fuck you it was an insurrection and a failed coup.
  5. He probably watched the insurrection “gleefully” like his hero the former shithead in chief.
  6. Pretty sure he’s not trolling. He really believes the crap he’s spewing. There are plenty of people who believe the shit he does, they just don’t spew it out of their ass on this board like he does.
  7. "Hell I even thought I was dead. Till I found I was just in Nebraska." - Little Bill
  8. America elected a guy as president who (1) hates dogs, (2) doesn’t drink, and (3) married a whore. How fucked up is that? While number three might be forgiven the first two cannot ever be. That’s a suicide mission.
  9. Johnny sack once again showing his ass. Thinks the attack on the capitol was done by patriots. I wish I was surprised but I’m not. He’s the embodiment of the worst of America. I appreciate him showing us how bad America can actually be.
  10. No the only people who care about 1/6 are non scumbags. We all know that doesn’t apply to you and your ilk.
  11. We are way past the time of appeasing these traitors, criminals and morons. Prison time at a minimum.
  12. It is true that those two fucksticks have absolutely no shame. Human scum like them tend to not to. That’s why they need to get thrown in jail for their crimes of supporting the insurrection and fucking underage kids.
  13. Also whiskey kills the flu so the shot was always kinda redundant.
  14. There really isn’t one. I just never got it because I thought I never needed it. To date I was right since I never got the flu as an adult but because I can’t see any downside whatsoever, got it this year and last and will in the future.
  15. Trump can’t win if he’s not eligible to run. The fourteenth amendment bars him from holding elected office. If what I think comes out about what happened after the election that I believe will come out, then that is definitely in play. And the magats can stomp their feet and whine a lot and go directly to hell. And yes I believe guys like Hawley and Cruz are probably more dangerous than trump. But you don’t worry about the comet potentially heading towards the earth when a rattlesnake is directly in front of your face.
  16. I heard this too from a doc that the flu shot isn’t as accurate this year but you should still get it because it helps. Until Covid came along I never got the flu shot because I never got the flu anymore because at least in my amateur opinion, I had it so much as a kid. But I got the flu shot last year and this year because I’m not an anti vaxer moron.
  17. Should have gone with “he lost like a dog.” No greater trump insult than that one.
  18. So does Ashli gets rewarded with like 40 virgins in heaven or something like that?
  19. Trump needed to remind Lindsey what gets revealed if he doesn’t toe the line.
  20. I’m a big fan of the “I didn’t vote for Trump post but here’s why both sides are at fault for whatever crap the republicans did this time.” Always good for a laugh and shows up here like clockwork. You can set your watch to it. Always with a final farewell of “I tried to be reasonable in the CR but y’all are too mean.”
  21. The trumpers don’t care but even though they represent the clear majority of the Republican Party, that’s only two thirds of one third of the country, or about 22 percent. Cruz and Mitch are likely banking on the more moderate republicans, who may only vote that way because they own stock or capital and like their tax benefits, and right leaning independents can be swayed. We shall see.
  22. This except I don’t think he’s much of a gambler. He must know something. Too much smoke coming out including Moscow Mitch’s recent comment that he was interested in what the committee is finding out.
  23. We all know why you don’t want to focus on the terrorist attack on the capitol. People like you support it and call them patriots. It’s about time Joe called them the scumbags that they are. Fuck your feelings.
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