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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. More info on “the family” and background on APD corruption in the 80s and 90s. Probably last post for the night. https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2002-10-25/106932/pols_feature2.html
  2. Just some background. Despite recent troubles nowadays APD is a much much much less corrupt organization than it used to be. Acevedo gets credit for cleaning up a lot of problems. Not all of course. Here’s a little background for all the newcomers from the Austin Chronicle. Which by the way was a local rag that Austin was really lucky to have in the 80s and 90s. https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2002-10-25/106933/
  3. The trolls come out at night. The trolls come out at niiiight...
  4. Nah. Please present the opposite argument and I’ll let you know if I decide to respond. I know who I’m now talking to.
  5. Once again proving I’m right.
  6. Moderate fifth circuit is still right wing asshole, just more of the we need to actually follow the law type. He’s definitely not in the Jones category or the brand new assholes. And this isn’t at all about trump, who knows absolutely nothing about judges other than he likes the ones who rule in his favor. This is a wholesale takeover of the fifth circuit by the federalist society which I now consider a borderline fascist/terrorist organization.
  7. Since you disagree, that’s how I know I’m right.
  8. Smith is a right wing asshole and attacked this decision harder than anything I’ve ever seen him write. Thats how bad this is.
  9. The rich and wealthy don’t like inflation since it ultimately impacts them more and reduces their wealth so the press reports on it.
  10. Says the anti vaxxer idiot. It’s ok to be an anti vaxxer because diabetics and drunk driving.
  11. And wore a tan suit while doing it with Dijon mustard stains on it.
  12. Great writer. Hilarious too. My political views when I was young pretty much lined up with his. Maybe his views changed too. RIP.
  13. Fair enough and I’m not a scientist so I can’t really argue well over studies and scientific causal relationships. However that vitamin D helps you fight viruses makes perfect logical sense. There’s a reason why guys in Nigeria have dark skin and guys in Ireland have pasty white skin. Natural selection over thousands of years drove that and i believe it had to do with the areas relationship to the sun. It’s almost impossible to get sufficient vitamin D from food unless you want to eat mushrooms and salmon all the time and all day so in the past you had to get it from the sun. If you lived in Nigeria you got plenty of sun. If you lived in Ireland you almost never did. So light skin in Ireland and dark skin in Nigeria. Viruses are everywhere, we’ve lived with them forever and are never going away and actually help by killing off bacteria. It just makes sense to me that vitamin D is kind of like our anti biotic when it comes to viruses.
  14. Greenslope drive is only a mile away.
  15. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-fallible-mind/202202/striking-link-between-vitamin-d-levels-and-omicron%3famp
  16. So sack is back on the “just a bunch of tourists taking selfies” train. The dude is nothing but high comedy. Never change sack. Never change.
  17. Only takes one bullet to kill mike pence and that’s who trump sent the mob to take out. Anyone else like Pelosi or Romney was just a bonus.
  18. It’s almost Easter!
  19. You’re just mad it didn’t work. It’s sad that people as shitty as you exist.
  20. No I’m a normal person. You’re an asshole troll. Fuck you forever.
  21. Nah I don’t post dick pics. Never got the attraction of that although it’s apparently ubiquitous. My wife actually told me one time you need to tell our sons not to do that since it seems so common and I was like, they’re normal good kids and not assholes and wouldn’t. I guarantee you that bravo guy has sent out multiple dick pics out.
  22. Not only should the government arrest all these “truckers,” they should also demand from surly and many other websites all identifying information from GRUHorn so they can arrest him for inciting rebellion against the USA. Its way past time to stop catering to these assholes. Fuck them.
  23. You are such a fucking asshole tool.
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