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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. Exactly. It’s the only one that’ll get ya! And it’s all Joe’s fault! Sack and his country club crew want to deport all the illegals who don’t secure jobs at their various construction companies.
  2. Well that and how the illegals are responsible for Covid being here. But no politics!!!
  3. I think the use of the word people as opposed to person in the fifth amendment meant it was a restriction on the federal government only to prevent it from banning weapons completely. If the town of Big Whiskey wanted to ban firearms requiring you to surrender them to the proper authorities like little Bill there’s nothing in the constitution that prevents that and nobody ever thought it did until recently. It’s why the radical gun nuts started with DC since it’s a federal enclave then expanded outward. At this point they’re about to just make shit up because it suits their policy goals. Just watch what comes next.
  4. If he ain’t he’ll do until the Icono gets here.
  5. Joe Manchin torpedoed BBB for one reason and one reason only. His corporate overlords told him to. All this other bullshit like Biden’s staff made him mad is just bullshit. The republicans don’t have a monopoly on corporate hacks, they just have most of them and it’s a requirement for entry in their party.
  6. We probably should have thought twice before paying an army of bums a bunch of money to invade Iraq. Not money well spent as they probably just used it all on booze.
  7. Who exactly do you think led us into and profited mightily from those ridiculous wars and stupid construction projects? The homeless?
  8. That’s because those cagey Jews, including a bunch of distant relatives of George Soros, edited that part out when they eliminated the Book of Sack during the Middle Ages purges.
  9. That’s so pathetic, hilarious and sad, all at the same time. I think I see bravo and sack in the audience.
  10. The Sack should make that his tag line and put it at the end of every post he makes here. “We need more cops to arrest all these protesters and their liberal woke supporters!” “Ok whose gonna pay for them?” ”You are!”
  11. Nah, Sark played Casey after that because Charles Thompson threatened to tweet. Had nothing to do with Card shitting the bed.
  12. You contribute absolutely nothing to this board. If the mods want to allow it so be it but your posting history speaks for itself. Feel free to bump a post from you that does anything but troll here. You can’t because it doesn’t exist. Your posts are worthless.
  13. It really is maddening how stupid some people are like him when it comes to this issue.
  14. Still banging this dumbass drum I see. Payroll taxes. How do they work? Or maybe you want 80 year olds, cripples and infants to pay up their fair share to society. That is EVERYONE. Is it not? I ask again, how old are you and why are you so dumb?
  15. I mean we can’t all grow up owning African emerald mines.
  16. I nominate this for dumbest post of the year. Show me another one dumber. Because most of our “best and brightest are rich spoiled trust fund assholes like trump who inherited it and all they do is fuck things up to try to benefit themselves. How old are you? “Best and brightest.” Good one. So fucking dumb.
  17. The DT assholes have managed to make the DT Covid thread political with their supposedly non political bullshit. Yeah right. They’re too scared to post it here. Meanwhile this thread has got a little boring. Oh well.
  18. Lol. Immortal thinks this is proof of trumps competency.
  19. You think the election was stolen from trump. And that trump supporters didn’t attack the capitol. You are decidedly not dealing in reality. Must be miserable.
  20. I wouldn’t. Dudes a total liar. Fight fire with fire. He probably overserves and serves minors anyway.
  21. You should start a thread on this in the CR and see how it goes.
  22. Thanks for posting this great story of yours in the Covid stats only thread. I wonder why you did that? Hmm...
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