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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. This long game has been going on since at least the 50s and is a direct response to FDR, the Dems and the new deal. LBJ scuttled their plans for a time being but they recovered quickly and started the acceleration with Reagan. We’re now at it’s zenith where it either gets crushed, or destroys the country and turns it into a putin style oligarchy.
  2. That may be the dumbest lawsuit yet and the bar is already set way high.
  3. Maybe Joe forgot his constituents don’t read the Wall Street Journal.
  4. Coal miners appear upset with their senator. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/12/21/business/coal-miners-joe-manchin/index.html
  5. Jeff fisher is in their ring of honor? For what? The stache?
  6. I had a snarky retort but the thought that the defense labeled anyone “QB2” is so dumb I’m just gonna hold off. Maybe some jackoff on the D said they thought he should be second string and this dude here took that ball and ran with it. But probably not even that. It’s just made up bullshit.
  7. BJ Foster was not impressed. I mean Casey never quit in the middle of a game. THAT takes some balls.
  8. Trump got way with a ton of illegal shit because he was the president. Previously before being the president he got away with illegal shit because he was rich and nobody cared. He ain’t the president anymore. And now plenty of people care.
  9. Yeah but he knows for a FACT that not a single team members lost a MINUTE of sleep after Casey transferred and he’s got the fitbits to PROVE IT!
  10. And his dad may have told something or other to Brian Jones.
  11. You know none of this. Just because you “heard” something doesn’t make it true.
  12. You are acting and posting like you saw all of that when by your own post you clearly did not.
  13. I would say right now everyone is lying and spinning. So who knows what’s true.
  14. They’re mad that a black dude got made president, their wife is a big, fat hog, and their job sucks because they’re a booze loving dumbass. I guess it does kind of suck for them.
  15. He represents the current GQP quite well.
  16. Holy shitnit it is icono! And how fat are you getting a shot in January?
  17. I’m sick and tired of whinny ass bitches like you saying masky hurt facey. Get over it.
  18. Obviously he’s delusional. I doubt you get any more takers though.
  19. You could buy a whole lot of crack for 25 million. Pillow guy not thinking this through.
  20. I think New York and Georgia will bring state charges against him, as well as the DOJ with federal charges for the insurrection and he’s convicted of all three prior to that happening in 2024. He can then participate in the 2024 presidential debates from the prison he’s rotting in.
  21. I’ll try to limit it but after swam got banned the sack became one of my favorite posters to mess with. He doesn’t come to the CR much anymore anyway.
  22. This. Whenever people make the argument that trump is gonna just slip away again they are ignoring this critical fact. Before he became president trump always slipped away because he’s rich and most people didn’t care and for at least forty years the rich have been getting away with the things he did. Once he became the president he immediately became the most powerful person in the world cloaked in all sorts of powers that would very easily prevent the comeuppance he deserved. Trump instinctively understood that which is why he attacked the capitol to prevent Biden from being certified as president. He knew the power he was losing that day. His only regret on January 6 was his coup attempt failed. Now that’s gone. He’s either going to jail or fleeing the country.
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