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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. Would you like me to give my honest and accurate opinion of you since it’s obvious? I have no problem being mean though.
  2. Somebody robbed a jewelry store in Barton creek mall in a smash and grab. What more evidence do you need?
  3. Sure thing. They weaponized a hoax virus in order to take down trump to prevent him from being re-elected. Seriously to “both sides” this is incredibly stupid. Do we really need to pull up all the video from the right wing hate machine pundits who repeatedly called the virus a hoax through the entire month of February, 2020? Or the right wing politician idiots like MTG, Palin and that GED short bus whore from Colorado minimizing it to this very day? To this day there are right wing mouthbreathing morons who still think it was and is a democratic hoax all because of how the republicans politicized the virus from the very beginning and still are with their “muh freedumbs” anti vaccine stances. He’ll just yesterday trump himself and Bill Oreilly got boos for telling their audience of morons they themselves were triple vaxed and that it saves lives. Only one side made a pandemic political and it was the Republican Party of under educated stupidity.
  4. “You anti pillow guys are just a bunch of woke ass liberal commies!” - The Sack
  5. Bigger than the red wave in the shining? Will Trump get reinstated as president soon?
  6. He says a whole bunch of stupid shit with a lot of meaningless charts that do nothing except prove he’s pretty stupid and likes to post a whole bunch of meaningless charts.
  7. How did that vote for trump in 2020 work out for you?
  8. It’s pretty predictable when they show up. They’ll be gone again soon leaving behind one troll to keep the flame alive until the next round of what they think is good news for them. It’s as predictable as the seasons.
  9. Manchin is a rich asshole protecting the interest of even more rich and richer assholes who pay him to do so. You have to be one naive idiot or a complete liar to not acknowledge that fact.
  10. These are great days we’re living in bros!
  11. Help us Johnny sack. You are our only hope. scrambled message. Help us Johnny sack. You are our only hope.
  12. Well you seem to want to post here for some reason. Why is that then? You don’t give a fuck but post here anyway?
  13. He’s a rich trust fund baby. So of course he supports what manchin did and opposes what Biden is trying to do, assuming he’s a selfish and greedy asshole of course. Which he is.
  14. Manchin represents rich trust fund babies like yourself. So congrats I guess.
  15. Your insults are lamer then trumps and make you sound like a 12 year old. Be better.
  16. Personally I blame the robbers, but that’s just me. And Austin didn’t defund the police. So unless Mayor Adler smashed up the place it’s quite the stretch to blame him for it.
  17. Nah dude. Northcross was always the Tilt. Goldmine was at Highland and Barton Creek had Aladdin's Castle or some shit like that. Aladdins castle I believe is correct. I thought it was originally a goldmine at Barton creek though and then turned into aladdin sometime in the mid 80s but I could just be confusing all of them.
  18. I thought the arcade at BCM was also the gold mine in the 80s. Maybe they had a monopoly on the city back then. Also now I know why I never went into JC Penney’s. Finally why did Austin strip clubs in the 90s never seem to have a champagne room?
  19. Nope it’s what good people try to do. In contrast to the scum that supports trump that just want to burn the county down, like you.
  20. America is a melting pot. Which is why the Republican Party that you support has become an old white person party that is anti immigrant (to keep out the browns) anti voting and democracy (to prevent the melting pot from voting) and pro gun (to shoot the melting pot if necessary).
  21. Also known as, “My argument sucks so I’m leaving now.”
  22. Nobody believes we have a completely objective press. Link to a post saying that. It’s only you turds who are constantly whining about it.
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