Sure thing. They weaponized a hoax virus in order to take down trump to prevent him from being re-elected.
Seriously to “both sides” this is incredibly stupid. Do we really need to pull up all the video from the right wing hate machine pundits who repeatedly called the virus a hoax through the entire month of February, 2020? Or the right wing politician idiots like MTG, Palin and that GED short bus whore from Colorado minimizing it to this very day?
To this day there are right wing mouthbreathing morons who still think it was and is a democratic hoax all because of how the republicans politicized the virus from the very beginning and still are with their “muh freedumbs” anti vaccine stances.
He’ll just yesterday trump himself and Bill Oreilly got boos for telling their audience of morons they themselves were triple vaxed and that it saves lives.
Only one side made a pandemic political and it was the Republican Party of under educated stupidity.