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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. You know what would be great? If a tornado came along and flattened Ted’s house on top of him.
  2. Yep. You know when the trolls are comparing him to a badass like Ron Burgandy they are grasping at straws and are out of material.
  3. The only sad thing about the Biden administration is that trump hasn’t been arrested yet and tried and hung for treason. That is what’s sad. The rest is just fine.
  4. He was also kind of a big deal and banged 10s. What have you ever done besides harpoon some whales?
  5. Heading to the yellow rose later today. I’ll let y’all know if I spot Ewers there.
  6. Well since trump is still roaming free and has yet to be hung for treason I tend to agree with their assessment.
  7. Damnit I have a tie that looks just like Ted’s. Time to trash that one and figure out where I went wrong along the way.
  8. The guy on the left looks like a child molester. The guy on the right looks like he molests collies.
  9. Don’t really see how this is a political post. First post in history moved from CR to DT?
  10. I see this thread is the one that are stupidist trolls have decided to focus on. Hur hur. Joe is old. Hur hur. Joe is senile. Me very clever and funny.
  11. “Winning is hard.” - Turtle Tom
  12. See here’s the deal brisket. I don’t know exactly who killed these girls. Most don’t. But what I do know is, enough to put any sort of bat shit a anon followers into an absolute frenzy, is that DNA exists that could solve it. But apparently nobody cares. But I don’t post much about that. Why? Because there is actual dna that could solve the crime and starting in 2017 could actually produce a match! So why bother! If nobody cares! it’s apparently just one of your unsolved mysteries. Oh well.
  13. If there’s one thing I know about the FBI. They can be counted on to protect your privacy.
  14. Well I guess let’s just let the murderer get away with it then. oh well.
  15. None of those guys, who were good guys, covered anything up. The story is much more complicated than that. The fact is there is DNA evidence that can lead to solving it. Speculation beyond that other than calling that out is just that. Test out the DNA.
  16. Fuck you. So let’s just ignore evidence that might solve a heinous murder because it might hurt someone’s feelers? Fuck you again.. I’d rather solve the thing. Maybe you have different motivations. This entire case is a complete miscarriage of justice. One of the worst ever.
  17. Obviously this is a joke but think about why the Irish are now considered “white” when before they were the outcast. What changed and why?
  18. You hate them because they vote Democratic. Just like you hate black people for doing the same. That’s why you constantly denigrate black people on this board as stupid. You have issues.
  19. No I get to tell you like it is. You just don’t want to ever hear it. It’s totally ok to be a selfish asshole. I have absolutely no problem with that. What I do have a problem is with selfish assholes like you who pretend they are not. That to me is very annoying and I call it out whenever I see it.
  20. You also dislike black people because they overwhelmingly vote Democratic which you believe affects your bottom line. You dislike the white people who support them even more though because you consider them race traitors because they also vote Democratic. You should be smart enough to see that obvious fact but you are willfully blind because otherwise that would force you to look in the mirror and see what you really are.
  21. It’s actually a backlash against black people. Same as it always was. Hispanics are just taking their turn in the line. You ever try a case with a black plaintiff and an all Hispanic jury? Doesn’t usually go so well. Guys like you have always supported the inevitable backlash against blacks because it ultimately helps to serve your own selfish economic interests. So good for you.
  22. The republic of gilead does not approve of that.
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