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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. When you called me a fucking idiot I did have a brief cry, but I quickly got over it. Not sure how my posts “attacked” you but I’ll go buy melanie’s new audio book in an attempt to “be better.”
  2. Apparently if you’re a “conservative” the surly format prevents you from starting a thread in the cloak room and they automatically get rerouted to the daily Texan board. It’s a unique feature of the site.
  3. Same for me. But then he even managed to top it by leading an attack on the capitol.
  4. Holding the bible upside down after tear gassing people to get in front of a closed church was classic. Yep he’s the antichrist.
  5. Just a couple Rinos and libtards per the current Republican Party. It’s just so fucking ridiculous. The party that believes in nothing.
  6. Dude. This oppressed closet homosexuality is unbecoming. If you feel the need to post dick pics go ahead. I don’t think the mods will like that though and you may get yet another time out again. That’s your choice though.
  7. Well I know sack has the money. He just won’t give it to me. The bastard. Its ok if you’re a poor. We won’t hold it against you. You can’t get in the surly one percent banging only 10s club though. Sorry bout that.
  8. He posted a pic of him flipping off a UT diploma. So I’m quite sure he’s a UT grad. What more proof would you need?
  9. I need 10k to watch rats fuck tomorrow night and antifa won’t fund it and the sack won’t lend me that amount. Apparently I’ve pissed him off. Can you help me out with that? I’m temporarily light. It would be much appreciated. Thx.
  10. So does this mean you’re sticking around? Our new sock/troll bravo sure does find every post you make to be quite hilarious.
  11. You really shouldn’t be amazed. You and the people who post on here do not even come close to representing the vast majority of the American people. The vast majority simply do not care about politics and to the extent they ever do, rely on people or institutions they trust to tell them how to vote. What has changed is the republicans have long ago abandoned any semblance of making the country better and it’s all about enriching themselves. This started in the late 60s-70s with Nixon and kept progressing and reached its zenith with Trump. The dems for their part have sat back and let it happen, with certain dem politicians enriching themselves in the process. It’s a mess. That’s for sure.
  12. I bet someone in that school had a skateboard. And if they used it to attack the shooter, well, that’s self defense!
  13. Children and youngs with mental issues I have total sympathy for. But at some point in time age should yield to some wisdom, mental illness or not. Sympathy cannot extend forever else society can’t function. If you’re implying the parents have mental illness, fuck them. It’s too late even if true. just like trump. Fuck him and him and his extreme narcissistic personality disorder. I don’t care at this point what caused it. It’s there and it’s destructive.
  14. Personally. I’m Pissed off the tax bills on my houses In river oaks and highland park have almost doubled. - Surly one percenter.
  15. Bernie was great in that movie, in all scenes including that one. It was just weird because like you say, it didn’t fit with the rest of the movie.
  16. That scene always creeped me out. It was sorta funny, yet very creepy.
  17. Fo sho. Ima still on the “throw them in the pen” crowd for now.
  18. As you know, I’m kinda dumb and not as smart as you so I’m afraid you’re gonna have to try to spell this one out for me. Thanks in advance amigo (or mofo).
  19. “Patriots” is just a euphemism for white male supremacist nowadays. True patriots don’t have to call themselves that. These clowns do but we all know what they really mean. This country was founded by white men. So they want us to go back to that.
  20. This. My dad was my friend until I fucked up and then he was basically the enemy I just wanted to try to avoid. And I was a lucky one because a lot of my friends didn’t even have that as they probably saw their dad a couple times a year. It wasn’t ideal, just different. I’ve tried to reach a middle ground with my kids.
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