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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. They’re convinced that the black peoples are readying arms and are prepared to march into their neighborhood with guns a blazing. And the only thing that can stop it is Donald fucking trump. Total fucking idiots.
  2. Being an idiot or asshole or horrible parent is not evidence of mental illness. The kids writing is. If such evidence emerges, then let’s debate!
  3. Preliminary indications to my amateur brain are that the son was mentally ill. If so, stick him in an institution and let the family of the victims and society’s wrath fall instead on the parents. No death penalty obviously. But life in prison will do. Also sends a message, for whatever that is worth.
  4. Like I’ve said before. I see some dude standing around in my driveway with a skateboard I’m a coming out blastin.
  5. The Supreme Court has now managed to significantly destroy its reputation in just one short year. They’re about to go even further on that path coming soon.
  6. DT crowd - “maybe one of the students lunged at him trying to get his gun from him so it was self defense?”
  7. Hold on a second. Immamac is aggy?
  8. That should be a crime. Yet for some strange reason it is not. Wonder why.
  9. If the Dems lose the senate in 2022 you might be right. If they keep it there’s a definite path forward. But if they lose it, it’s open season on democracy.
  10. I’ve always said he is our most talented troll for a reason.
  11. Charles kolsteads home was raided by APD on October 31, 1991 for allegedly banging and photographing underage girls with APD cops. On December 6 1991, the FBI raided APD headquarters over the exact same shit. All of which is disputed of course. The murders occurred that same night. I could live with the coincidences if it had ever been solved. But it as has not. And not only are the DAs not actively submitting the evidence to national database registry to attempt to solve the crime, we now have the FBI refusing to turn over information. You draw your own conclusions.
  12. Maybe so. Maybe not. Seems like maybe we should investigate the evidence and let’s see.
  13. No, I don’t think so. Which name?
  14. That was written the day of the murders.
  15. Well now where coming up close to the 30 year anniversary of this incredibly heinous crime and despite having DNA evidence still not close to solving it. December 6 1991. That’s when it took place. https://www.gosanangelo.com/story/news/2020/02/10/dna-discovery-austin-yogurt-shop-murders-sparks-fbi-standoff/4713168002/ The FBI has evidence that might help solve it. But they won’t release it due to alleged privacy concerns. Huh. Interesting to say the least.
  16. This last exchange reminds me of when the sack claimed incel kyle’s admission he wanted to kill looters wasn’t relevant because he wound up killing rioters.
  17. Yep. I find it completely ridiculous that the FBI is withholding evidence that could potentially solve a heinous 30 year old murder of four young girls over “privacy concerns.” Since when did the FBI get concerned about privacy. That's a laughable joke if it wasn’t so serious, and points to something else going on.
  18. As twicehorn stated it was basically all theater. That question perfectly illustrates that fact.
  19. Yeah getting rid of the jury system is a terrible idea. A lot of the idiots like some of the posters on this board get struck with challenges for cause during jury selection or alternatively peremptory challenges. The biggest problem with the current system is when peremptory challenges are used based on race and the judge doesn’t do anything about it because the striking lawyer comes up with a race neutral reason. That happened in the Georgia case but ultimately it didn’t matter. That probably does need reform though.
  20. Dont know who jojo is but I gotta assume that since it’s coming from you that is the right wing hate machines newest term for Biden. Such clever humor if so.
  21. It is pretty cute when sack and bravo both bitch about cloak room rep then turn around and rep each other’s stupid cloak room posts. It’s adorable really.
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