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Everything posted by JimmyJames

  1. The evidence says they have been excluded but the authorities that be don’t say that. The official position is still to this day those four did it but they say just can’t prove it, despite DNA evidence to the contrary. Since it appears it’s never gonna get solved, despite DNA evidence, I think I’m soon gonna just start posting what I know about this case one post at a time every few days or so, backed up by cites to sources, and hope I don’t eventually get the Epstein treatment.
  2. The people who get labeled as anti Vaxers are the idiots who oppose the vaccine and post vaccine misinformation. Has nothing to do with masks. Those anti mask people are just being whiny bitches. You can keep trying to equate the two if you want but it’s not fooling anyone.
  3. This I can subscribe to. Way too much bitching about it on both sides. It’s not that big of a deal to have to wear a mask so stop bitching about it. On the other hand, unless it’s a legit mask that actually helps it’s not that big of a deal not too. Bottom line though is it doesn’t hurt to wear one unless masky hurt facey. Vaccines and social distancing on the other hand can and do work, with the former having very little consequences and the latter definitely does. Social distancing by its very own name hurts society, so should only be done when necessary. I think unfortunately it was but in contrast to the vaccine, at least that is up for debate.
  4. Flew right over your head didn’t it? Not a surprise really.
  5. Your wife got the vaccine. Sorry to be the one who tells you.
  6. What should happen is exactly what is happening right now. You act like a piece of shit you get treated like one. It’s really a pretty simple concept. I recognize that fellow pieces of shit are troubled by that concept and don’t like it but you know, deal with it.
  7. That’s such bullshit. Back that claim up with anything. Negged for being a total idiot.
  8. He catches hell for being an anti vax troll spamming the board with anti vax bullshit and he 100 percent deserves it since he’s assisting with killing people.
  9. In other words you’re just jealous of his success.
  10. Exactly I’ve never gotten that phrase as some sort of insult. He tells tommy to go get his shine box, and Tommy leaves and comes and beats the ever living shit out of him and eventually kills him with a knife and gun in the trunk of Henry’s car. Go get your shine box indeed.
  11. Joe Rogan is getting a raft of shit for being an anti vaxer turd and he deserves every last second of it just like every other anti vaxer turd. Deal with it and stop crying about it like you’re a 4 year old who wants his lollipop.
  12. You know I don’t shine shoes anymore Billy. Keep him here Henry!
  13. Yeah but that’s also called “cancel culture.” So it’s a bad thing.
  14. Good for you. I do give a shit about online trolls who post constantly for months bullshit propaganda designed to poison the well on the vaccine thus killing thousands of people. But I guess that’s just me.
  15. “Legitimate political protester.” - RNC
  16. I guess by by not posting anti vax bullshit all over the net like you like to do? That’s a start anyway.
  17. Exactly. If people try to force you to act like a rational adult you’re “cancelling” them. It’s like if a bunch of four year olds took over the country.
  18. Because you’re a fucking annoying thrice banned troll who offers very little to the board besides trolling?
  19. Inflation has very little to do with Biden or any other politician. Take cars for example. The price of cars is going way up, both new and used, because there’s much less supply now due to the chip shortage caused by the pandemic coupled with an increase in demand because everyone is sitting around with more cash than they had before. MSRP used to be a joke and only suckers paid it. Now it’s basically “The Price” and that’s if you can find the car you actually want.
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