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Alphie Solomons.

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  1. Just occurred to me that this is really going to be the 'Jimbo and Bobby' show. The quintessence of aggy.
  2. Zactly what I thought when I read this. I need to keep up with this thread more currently. Need to work on the Athenian Decline's spot quizzes that can be handed out, laminated like Jimbo's play charts.
  3. We'll call this the 'cold weather' visit and still dominate with the destination. Good time to be a young man looking at this world class city with all of the goodies that come along with a visit. Soak it up gentlemen. These are the very good times.
  4. Does this mean Ann Margaret WON'T be coming? am wo.jfif
  5. I think this dude is/was named 'Greg Hood' (pretty sure about the 'hood', pun intended).....anyway...dude never bought another beer at the Chicken since. "Core legend" is how I overheard him being described as I played dominoes at the Chicken on of my 4 or 5 times to have visited. The quintessence of aggy.....ol' Greg Hood
  6. I used to think he was a Skip Bayless wanna be. Now I think it may have been the other way around. I don't know, but that's gotta be 40 years plus of being a cunt for a living, in writing.
  7. Exactly what I wanted to express. My family was stationed in Germany during his Heisman run and we didn't get much 'from the States' back then, but when I did get the Sports page, I was religious about following this guy during his Heisman year, keeping up with how many yards he had in the game the previous Saturday. Sad, this. RIP Charles and thank you for keeping one 5th grader sane for a football season.
  8. "Cargill High Plains Tournament''......... moderately strong to strong on the 'of course it is' meter.
  9. Listening to Bill Shoening call play by play in Baseball was very, very good. I wish he'd come back for that and let Moreland do color. One of those 'you know it's spring time and it's sunny and you remember where you were', listening' type of deals. Lot of Vin Scully in that way (not saying he WAS Vin Scully, just that 'lazy afternoon voice.') I preferred Bill to Craig on Play by Play for the football games. Also, preferred Ron Franklin to Craig. Basketball was what I thought he did the third best and it's interesting that that is where he got his 'big break' Current guys, tho - another vote for Klatt Like Gus Johnson still, and Chris Fowler when he's still doing it.
  10. I'm agreeing with you and being snarky at their ridiculousness with Jeremy Bloom. Either way, I agree with you. Anyone who want to transfer out of here will do so without issue from that body. They don't give a shit, on purpose and for a long time....the only time I remember them digging in their heels was during that deal with Bloom...keeping the 'amature purity' alive and well from the US Olympic Moguls skiers who might have had a few free Gatorades.
  11. uhm. that's literally the last time any high profile 'waiver' wasn't granted. the entire point.
  12. Not if you are a US Moguls Skier and a Colorado punt returner. Everyone has their hard line and that's theirs.
  13. Isn't something over a '97' a 'five star?' Not sarcasm, I really don't know Here's what I DO know (without looking it up) 1. Everyone of those pigeon chested spazzes were insisting he was a '5 Star' 4 months ago (whether he was or wasn't) 2. He was a top 10 player in the country on Billy's list, if Billy had a list (wait, who am I kidding, of course that mother fucker HAD a list) 3. I see that he's from out of State, so I'm sure he was on Billy's 'other list' and would have only made Billy's 'real list' stronger had he played high school in Texas, either way, he made everyone in AZ forget about Bijan.
  14. not a Got Damn thing wrong with the 'drag' location of that little piece of manna from heaven. not one Got Damn thing and a Pepsi
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