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  1. Whoa! Wasn't expecting him to move up in the world.
  2. Today is the first of the two most complete football games Texas will play all year. That is what I choose to believe!
  3. Came in here thinking there was some portal news... I should have known better.
  4. I was thinking the same thing. When I read his comments, my first thought was "there is no way". Lol, talk about find the most useless metric to make your case. The only reason they are not worse is because their offense is able to keep them off the field at times...
  5. My guess would be they weren't expecting Cam to be gone at the time?
  6. What a dumb fuck, it was top 5 match-up. So no, Aggy was not overlooked. Comprehension is hard.
  7. Good start, keep it up War Eagle.
  8. Wow, on the road? Fuck off, Melk.
  9. WTF, why? Now you saved them a time out.
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