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Kormit The Frug

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  1. @KennyPowders What is your new handle name going to be?
  2. Texas Recruiting Notes 2024: Big Humans, Big Women, Big Fun.
  3. If only 99% of the posters on shared in your wisdom
  4. That really sticks in my..craw.
  5. And yet Lincoln found ways to win.. huh...strange..
  6. Don't forget about Clemson dude. Dabo built that team on NIL, not NIL.
  7. Oklahoma defense looking scary. Might sneak in to the top 100 next year. Who knows.......
  8. No one gives a fuck about Arkansas. Not now, not ever. In fact when most people try to name all 50 states, Arkansas is the one they forget. Fuck you and fuck Arkansas.
  9. Just got married last week. Happy Thanksgiving from Motley County, Texas. In the heart of West Texas, population 400. Just got done feeding cattle. Im thankful for all the assholes on here that provide me with insider information so I can impress my dad when I come home to visit. Im drunk and ready to eat. God Bless.
  10. Pack it up boys. Superflex Minecraft has spoken
  11. Somehow Weigman threw a uglier looking ball than Ewers....
  12. Sark drinks: He loses Sark gets sober: He loses Sark on DMT though🧐. Somebody get ahold of Joe Rogan STAT
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