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Everything posted by Vermin

  1. Think how many boosters he has to fellate for $76 million.
  2. Only aggy could turn a class of eight 5*s into a 9 figure debacle that sets them back a decade.
  3. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/38976861/michigan-state-names-oregon-state-jonathan-smith-new-coach Michigan State has their man already. Of course, it's a much better coach than aggy with get.
  4. Oregon/Wash QBs probably will win it since they have another game.
  5. Can we reduce 3 false starts a game to 2? Huge upside potential.
  6. $76 million for Mark Stoops, fuck that’s sad. That does check the box for ~sitting P5 head coach~ in the most unimpressive way possible.
  7. Tech cannot complete a pass and you feel the need to tackle the guy on a difficult pass.
  8. If it gets ugly enough at home, situations can become fluid.
  9. Technically that satisfies not being an 8-4 job.
  10. Couldn’t fit the supermodel into my schedule.
  11. They’re paying every penny of the $76 million. Saying Jimbo was a moron changes nothing and makes them look worse.
  12. I had no idea aggy was up to 77,000 students. I thought the Rick Perry plan to turn it into a diploma mill failed? Guess not.
  13. aggy: this is a top 5 job, you have unlimited resources Also aggy: we aren’t paying more than median
  14. How are those buyouts so comically tiny and aggy spent more than 10x that? 🤣
  15. Loftin, former aggy prez, said that buyouts of a sitting coach are due immediately. They can mortgage the future for most of Jimbo's buyout, but not the new coach's. So aggy will need to contact JG Wentworth.
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