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Everything posted by Vermin

  1. Let's check in on the plane that TexAgs got to turn back.
  2. They aren't suspicious there is a 2nd Rusty in 20 minutes?
  3. There was a Gameday segment this morning about The Elk bringing in a magician.
  4. He was also well beyond the line of scrimmage. Just horrendous.
  5. Damn that's fucking bleak that our hope is that we can land Oregon's scraps.
  6. He's referring to the large Latino and Asian population, which produce FBS football prospects at low rates. But, you know, Texas also has a large Latino population.
  7. Culinary sucks ass. Along with terrible pay, the hours are awful (nights, weekends, holidays), and it takes a physical toll on your body. You're also inhaling noxious fumes from cooked meat and gas grills.
  8. Florida sucks so they're unlikely to beat blowU, unfortunately.
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