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Everything posted by formermav43

  1. They’ll be filing that one right after bitterwhiteguy files his suit against surly for all the mean things said here.
  2. Yeah no way they can put up more than 4 runs against Philly…
  3. They force taxpayers to foot the bill for them anyway, what’s a few hundred million more?
  4. Funny, but irrelevant. I believe the discussion was about new stadiums that have been built, not replacing century old ones. You don’t need a roof in Southern California. And I don’t think anyone would advocate replacing Wrigley or Fenway or even any existing completely ordinary stadium for that matter. But there’s no good reason for any baseball stadium built in this century to not have at least a retractable roof in any part of the country where weather is a regular factor. It’s not football where you can just play on in inclement weather.
  5. That was my thought also. Bummer.
  6. That was the Braves.
  7. Not only that-here’s the list of 2B with multiple seasons of wRC+ of at least 160 in the postwar era: Joe Morgan Jose Altuve Thats it. That’s the list.
  8. I mean, that isn’t really fiddling with the order. It actually makes it more like the regular season.
  9. I’ve been thinking the whole time I’d start Garcia in Game 5 if the series is 3-1, just to try to save Verlander for Game 1 of the WS.
  10. Strong “show me a third win on this schedule” vibes here. This team is capable of winning-or losing-every remaining game. That’s been the case all year, wild week-to-week board mood swings notwithstanding.
  11. Please. Ewers looks worse than Tyrone Swoopes today.
  12. Javier so he would be available in a potential game 7 if needed. Don’t think they’d let McCullers pitch on short rest given his injury.
  13. No, they DIDN’T move him from lead off. And that faith in him was rewarded.
  14. Counter counter counterpoint: not vs. Severino.
  15. This post is way more petulant and whiny than anything he said.
  16. If it makes you feel better, he got angry too.
  17. Somebody has to DH. There’s not a lot of options. Him or Mancini.
  18. Dubon is only there as a defensive replacement. He didn’t start in the DS when Verlander pitched, he wasn’t going to start today.
  19. More concisely stated.
  20. To be fair to Colt, that’s ignoring the context of replacing essentially his entire national championship winning, NFL playing OL between his freshman and sophomore years. It was a stupid idea at the time, and it only looked worse in hindsight.
  21. Let’s not forget the contingent who wanted to replace Colt with John Chiles.
  22. You’re right in the last paragraph about the reason for 162 games, but it’s irrelevant to the playoffs at this point. If they prioritized truly measuring which team was best, they’d go back to 2 divisions and an LCS only format for the playoffs (I’d say World Series only like in the real old days, but there’s just too many teams now for that to really be fair, especially with unbalanced scheduling). With that large a sample size, you really shouldn’t have 6 playoff teams to begin with. But the playoffs aren’t about the good of the sport, they’re about money. I wonder how upsets impact that-that’s where it will matter.
  23. How do you think?
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