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Everything posted by formermav43

  1. Fair enough, you’re probably right. If you count hotels (like others have on this thread), then yes I have. But only in my personal room. Also at work on rare occasions, but only in a private bathroom when no one else was in the building. So maybe I shouldn’t say I’ve never used a public restroom technically. But gas station, store, rest stop, restaurant, etc.-never.
  2. I have literally never crapped in a public bathroom in my life. Never even been in a porta potty. Im sure I just jinxed myself.
  3. The watch thread is a good subjective example, I'd say. There are legitimate problems that we all know about with stagnant wages, skyrocketing housing costs, student loan debt, etc. I don't want to diminish those or pretend to have a solution to them either. But it's worth noting that in the postwar period that we measure everything against, the average new home was not even a thousand square feet and your family vacation was probably a road trip to a national park or the like (with maybe 6 people or more crammed in a sedan). That was the middle class lifestyle. It was not buying 5 figure watches.
  4. I get that to some extent. But I think surly's perception of "middle class" is generally skewed. If a top 5% income is "middle-middle class," that terminology is meaningless.
  5. Without looking up the exact numbers, $200k is going to be something like top 5% in household income. How exactly is that "middle-middle class"?
  6. I grew up in Marshall. Water issues like you mentioned were never a thing. This must be a fairly new issue. On the other hand, it’s been nearly 2 decades since I left home. My folks moved to another town, and then my grandmother passed-I think I’ve been there 3 times in the last dozen years. So I’m in basic agreement with the general point of the op. I don’t have any longing for the place. I’d recommend Big Pines Lodge in Uncertain, but I’ve heard it’s not as good since it was rebuilt after a fire a few years back (and I obviously haven’t been).
  7. Just delete/move the offending post(s), please. This thread has mostly avoided that and is a fantastic source of info.
  8. Even with those added stipulations , the Soviet-Afghan War immediately comes to mind.
  9. Yeah, when has an insurgency every held out for years against a foreign invader?
  10. So for both candidates, the end result of this election will be Self pleasure.
  11. Based on your past analysis of this situation, we need to all start building bunkers ASAP.
  12. Ok, it’s you trying to make fetch happen. Got it. You’re the racist Gretchen Wieners.
  13. Is it? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it used outside this board. Like neonmoon, nothing on google for me. And searching this board, the only person I can find using it is you.
  14. But, of course, there IS a correct an appropriate use of the word “niggardly.” What’s the appropriate use of “coon” outside of a raccoon?
  15. You're about 30 years late on this post, gramps.
  16. It’s like deja vu all over again.
  17. It doesn’t come up at all with my teacher wife, brother, or other family members.
  18. I’m not sure why “teachers unions” would be relevant to a Texas-centric board anyway.
  19. Does it? That seems perfectly logical to me when I look at their respective organizations over the course of their careers.
  20. MVP votes are already in before the playoffs. Most of that is completely irrelevant.
  21. Not to mention playing the whole season behind a patchwork OL. I think there are good arguments for players other than a QB (Samuel, Kupp, Taylor). MVP has definitely become too QB-centric. But the arguments for a QB other than Rodgers aren’t as strong.
  22. Im not enamored with Love. But it’s worth noting someone could have written this same thing after the 2005 draft.
  23. Aaron Rodgers
  24. And lost. That team featured Odell Beckham, Sr. at running back. In 89, it flipped. Marshall went to Odessa and lost in non-district. They met again in the semifinals and Permian won again.
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