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  1. All true. But they’d have an entirely new group of people to give directions to their stadium to, while amazing them with their down home hospitality. Invaluable.
  2. Didn’t make the Columbus trip. But I had some interactions with their fans after the 2009 Fiesta Bowl. They were angry, bitter, and trashy. Even before the game… not interesting or fun in any way.
  3. Is there a collective we can set up for PK? Holy shit.
  4. Less than 5 minute wait in Dallas County at the Brookhaven Community College location at 10:30 this morning. F Trump. F Cruz.
  5. Was up there for a wedding last year. Great town. Stayed at the Pfister Hotel. It was very nice. Concierge knew we were going to the Brewer game, so he told us to walk to the bar area. From there, order a beer and you get a free shuttle to and from the stadium. Great deal. Hotel bar was great. Do NOT order an old fashioned in Milwaukee. They put sprite or Mountain Dew or something in them up there. Disgusting.
  6. Strong recommendation for the burger at Roy Pope Grocery on the west side of Ft. Worth.
  7. Are we supposed to be shopping for fine clothing from our football team? I didn’t get that memo. I thought we were getting money to these players. My kid doesn’t have the same discerning taste as Mrs. Bang and picked out a long sleeve tee.
  8. If I were president, every televised baseball game would be required to play late 80’s episodes of ‘This Week in Baseball’ during rain delays.
  9. Less Corby’s kids, please. Also, less Corby while we’re at it.
  10. Don’t blame me. I voted for Kodos.
  11. Texas 41 Utep 10
  12. Tom Penders says "F all that noise".
  13. It was just okay. If you don’t get to have whataburger very often/or watching your calories, stick with the classics. Otherwise, I’d only try it if you’re bored with the menu.
  14. He’s a perfectly cromulent recruit.
  15. 1. That’s really uncool. 2. Username checks out.
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