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Everything posted by Vertuzzi

  1. https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/34419289/nazem-kadri-finalizing-deal-calgary-flames-sources-say 7x7 for Kadri. Islanders fans must be pissed lol.
  2. Who knew that closing the fridge door would be so difficult. And when it’s brought up, she gets irritated at me and explains that she’s busy and doesn’t have time to check all the little things. Should I leave it alone and let her ruin all of the food in the fridge to make a point?
  3. That’s impressive. Looks like he moved that sled about 4 ft.
  4. Just moved to CO a few years ago and it’s been awesome but the fiancé and I are getting a bit nervous with the continued drought and what water scarcity will look like in the next 10-15 years. We’ve had early discussion about what our next move will be and the idea of moving abroad has been brought up. I’d say somewhere in Central Europe would be our primary choice, somewhere like Czechia, Austria, or Slovenia. Toughest issue for me is leaving behind family and friends. We don’t have any kids and don’t plan on it for at least another 7-8 years but seeing my 85 year old grandmother even less than we do now is what’s holding me back from absolutely jumping onboard.
  5. There’s always someone conspiring against aggy according to them. Bunch of paranoid assholes.
  6. It’s always Florida.
  7. Looking to book a trip soon, with a possible proposal involved. Thought about tacking it on to a week in Croatia. Looking for recommendations of cities to visit and things to do. Thanks and Hook ‘Em🤘🏼
  8. Good ole Shakespeare’s! Wonder if they still do their Friday special $5 Long Island iced tea in a pitcher…good times!
  9. I’d replace Tony with Bobby Baccalieri. Kid looks just like him.
  10. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CghLos5Aixl/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  11. 2016: 16th floor of Dobie 2017-2019: West campus
  12. It was awesome. Beautiful property not too far from Siena. Probably a 10 minute taxi ride. We added on a wine tasting, dinner, and horseback riding and all were really great. The wine was fantastic and they even have a warehouse in California so shipping costs aren’t expensive if you want to purchase a case. The dinner was great and included the owner, Alessandro, providing a history of the property. His family purchased the vineyard back in the 1750-1760s. The horseback riding was great as they took us through the grapevines and the rolling fields. A very pleasant way to start your day.
  13. Made a trip to Italy back in early May and absolutely loved it. Started in Naples, few nights in Amalfi, few nights in Siena, then ended with a night in Rome. Amalfi was great, especially in early May as the weather is warm but not blistering hot and it wasn’t overly crowded. The highlight of the trip was by far Siena. Very beautiful medieval city with a beautiful town square. For anyone interested, I’ve attached the link to the Airbnb we stayed at just outside of Siena. Spectacular villa on a vineyard that is family owned and operated. Highly recommend as they offer activities like tastings and a freshly made dinner that kicked ass! I will say that I was quite disappointed with Rome and don’t see myself returning there anytime soon. Hook ‘Em🤘🏼 https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/3682863?adults=10&check_in=2022-10-15&check_out=2022-10-18&federated_search_id=af579133-9501-421c-8116-34a95dd07176&source_impression_id=p3_1658355549_mMQVXi564KKsUBPp
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