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Everything posted by thepop

  1. Bought this last night at Armadillo Den at the Spurs draft party. As soon as the pick was made they opened up a merch truck and many lined up to buy one. First jersey I’ve ever owned.
  2. Glad we finally got a recruiting win against UTSA.
  3. This show is in the S tier of shows it does it purely with dialogue no action, murder, science fiction, etc. Just great writing. As said above best show on television and it’s not close.
  4. Everyone on twitter raving about Ewers and the team as a whole. I come to this site and everyone says we’re shit. Never change.
  5. Part 2 is nothing like TWD wtf are yall smoking
  6. I hope ou loses every game this year. What’s wrong with some of you
  7. Fuck you @big12refs
  8. i thought mullet was gonna be his brand like Harden's Beard or AD's unibrow.
  9. So we traded TCU Roberson for Jamel Johnson. Johnson tending down in rankings while Roberson had been trending up.
  10. Show is great, shoutout HBO. Wish shows like the Witcher weren't ruined on Netflix and were on HBO instead.
  11. Do freshman players still live in dorms? Charging seems like a hastle.
  12. Nahlin: You guys took Hudson for granted.
  13. Nice recruiting win over Stephen F Austin for Owens.
  14. Nah he was including transfers in that calculation. Not sure how much that moved the needle though.
  15. Im surprised our average is that high given all the developmental offensive lineman and tight ends we took. I guess the top of our class is just so stacked.
  16. Good lord. Quinn may fail but it’s not because of a 5 second out of context clip the cameras showed you.
  17. Quinn threw for 369, Arch would have thrown for 370 easy while being a vocal leader and willing Worthy to catch passes.
  18. tf is CJ Vogel on about. We've had so many frustrating seasons this one doesnt really come close.
  19. Yes he will be fine, he's talented. But he's flirting with transferring every offseason and performing poorly on top of that. He can go be fine elsewhere.
  20. Almost like he's a freshman Yall cant be serious
  21. Give him 5 minutes he’ll top it
  22. well yeah everyone who plays for ou sucks
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