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Everything posted by thepop

  1. I think you're going to be in the minority on this one. Everything Roy Kent said was hilarious, plus the ussie kid. That storyline was the best part.
  2. I would ask if this was texags with comments like this, but do they still say this stuff over there?
  3. Facilities are behind and I highly doubt they'll be ready. Last I heard they were working 24 hours a day to make up being behind 2 months, so who knows.
  4. Yeah they're not finishing in early August, at least not Moncrief. They're really far behind and not sure working 24 hour days as they are right now is enough.
  5. thepop

    Austin FC

    I thought there would be more interest and a game thread.
  6. What a fucking joke. Creating vaccine hesitancy over 0.000000857% chance of a clot
  7. I went through chest pain with Covid last summer. Went to the ER because i wanted to make sure i wasn't having a heart attack or something. EKG didn't find anything wrong. Cardiologist thought it was pericarditis and prescribed meds, but soon after I got an ECG and it did not find pericarditis or anything else for that matter, so the cause of the pain was never found. Chest pain didn't last long, but 10 months later i still have heart palpitations, and my cardiologist says i dont need a heart doctor anymore. Hopefully the palpitations go away someday. Wonder if i should get an MRI.
  8. You are correct. The main purpose here is to prevent hospitalization and serious illness. I joke about J&J but in reality i would have taken it in a heartbeat.
  9. First dose usually does not have side effects besides sore arm.
  10. Fever and chills about 12 hours after. Popping a Tylenol and trying to sleep.
  11. Pfizer 2 in the morning. Seems like most of the bad reactions have been Moderna 2, so i'm optimistic. Will update in 24 hours.
  12. Pfizer 1 around 12 hours ago. Can’t really lift my arm up but otherwise great.
  13. Turned it on, first guy talking was Babin. What the fuck? Why is every republican from Texas embarrassing.
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