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Everything posted by thepop

  1. But have you heard about the capitol's defense since Tuberville joined?
  2. Republicans are a bigger threat than any foreign nation?
  3. I thought I saw a tweet that Harris was "on the way". Didn't realize she arrived.
  4. Kamala Harris isn't there either. So the numbers don't add up.
  5. We keep working. Stacy Abrams worked for like 10 years for this. We really just started with Beto 2 years ago.
  6. Can't wait to see Hawley or Cruz lose to Kamala Harris in 4 years. If they can even get the nomination.
  7. I never thought I wished Romney was President, and yet, here we are.
  8. So where is this national guard from Virginia? They taking the train?
  9. There is something really beautiful about Trump rambling in a rally that no one is paying attention to, with Congress confirming Biden's win.
  10. I do hope Doug Jones lands on his feet somewhere. He's too good to be sitting in Alabama.
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