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Mo Horn

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Mo Horn

    2025 Drunk Thread

    A bottle of wine and now whiskey. Great Saturday night.
  2. I get Tre is a great player and will be one and done, but of the 5 sec games played he's been meh in 4 of them.
  3. I've seen some bizarre movies, but this one might top them all. Having said that, I really liked it.
  4. The Taste of Everything. The greatest food porn movie ever made.
  5. HBO was showing last season this weekend and I watched a few episodes. I totally missed this the first time I watched it. In the last episode fter the guys fight in the water and Ethan and Daphne walk to the point. She gives him the look and he hesitates, but then they disappear up the hill. We never know exactly what happens but I assume the fucked. Don't know how I didn't get that the first time.
  6. Since it doesn't matter who the coach is, go get Elko and screw aggy in the process.
  7. We had a commitment tonight that we've had for 6 months, so I didn't watch the game. I've read some articles and watched recaps and pundits. I always say turnovers and mistakes decide who wins these games, and we had more of both. Always sucks to lose, but two final fours in two years doesn't. Number 1 class coming in and looking forward to seeing Arch lead this team. Always proud to be a Longhorn.
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