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Mo Horn

Certifiably Surly
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About Mo Horn

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  1. I think it says more about the understanding, and rationale, of the majority of the American electorate.
  2. Refreshing didn't help, but clearing the cache worked.
  3. Don't know if anyone else is experiencing this, but in default mode on my android tablet the formatting is all screwed up. It's fine on dark mode. It's also fine in either mode on my android phone.
  4. NBC news is saying 4 survivors have been pulled from the water
  5. He's got the perfect job. Makes good money and truly has zero pressure. Everything that happens is on Jerry so any player, or contact, or deal that is done, even if Will orchestrated it, is on Jerry. Something goes to shit, even if it's Will's fault, goes on Jerry. He'll never get credit for any good that he does, but I'm guessing he's fine just spending Jerry's money and doing the football thing. Where do I sign up.
  6. I'm in town for my mom's 90th birthday. Did Juan in a Million for the Don Juan.
  7. Mo Horn

    2025 Drunk Thread

    A bottle of wine and now whiskey. Great Saturday night.
  8. I get Tre is a great player and will be one and done, but of the 5 sec games played he's been meh in 4 of them.
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