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Mo Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Mo Horn

  1. I thought we left pathetic refs in the Big 12
  2. Camera operators need to find some nice coeds in the stands.
  3. Just saw the aggy commercial where they talk about what they stand for. When they said loyalty they showed the baseball team and paused. Little dig on Sclosh?
  4. He and Norvell can share a ride out of the state
  5. They are very bad, and the qb was a highly rated recruit, so not really a douche.
  6. He wasn't out of the pocket. Should have been grounding
  7. In the last 10-15 minutes they've shown more commercials than football
  8. Just a thought, but maybe Florida should cover receivers
  9. Why do you just run it there? So stupid
  10. Wow SC just looking for more ways to duck fuck up
  11. Not a catch, but still a 1st down on the penalty
  12. Blind side block on the QB, and didn't need to do it. Just took a shot being an idiot.
  13. JFC SC. Just giving this away
  14. Doing everything they can do to do so
  15. We've gone to watch the K State games the last few years. We'll go east to Columbia this year.
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