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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RGBIII

  1. I mean we I just gave the offensive line 800k sooooo...
  2. FYI my original idea was to fly a banner over southlake for the rest of the week but this seemed more cost effective
  3. Lol it isnt that serious. I was asked for a reason to do something of this ilk, it is a serious concern in the Ewers camp about the reception Quinn would receive coming to Texas. If you have a better way to do that then be my guest
  4. Sounds like something a poor would say
  5. Not yet but pass it everywhere
  6. https://chng.it/7hTsGDBdMz Legitimately sign this petition and share it to every single person you know. This means more than you think, if you want to do something real and substantial sign this and pass it around. It will get in front of the Ewers camp
  7. FYI if anyone posts anything negative in regards to Quinn you will be getting neg bombed to oblivion. The kids camp is legit worried that he is unwanted and will be shit all over when something bad happens. This could be the best thing thats happened for Texas since at least 2009, do not shit all over it
  8. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-horn-austin/id1056229300?i=1000544140207 for anyone that wants to hear me wax poetic
  9. Trading Kerry for this dude is a fucking win
  10. Yep this. Nahlin has held shit to his own detriment when all the others are blabbing their fucking mouths off
  11. No chance. That would be performance based and literally rule number one that you can’t do
  12. I am choosing to believe your last sentence
  13. The best of them I’ll ask for the audio, should be it’s own thread honestly
  14. I’ve thought too long about the thread name change for it to be merged
  15. Well if wreckem98 says it……
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