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Certifiably Surly
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  1. I don’t really care how he acts after the game. But since you asked, this is what I would like to see. Someone who is angry and left it all on the field.
  2. I am very curious to see if he goes pro. I was thinking he would go even if a 3-4 round as he is injury prone. I think if he doesn't go pro, it means he is dropping like a rock and needs to maximize his $$$. Frankly if he goes to another college team, we will get our answer if it is him or Sark and this thread will continue.
  3. The same problems all year. Stupid play calling in critical situations and not able to get TDs. I think having running qb will change things and why I was on the Arch train. However I'm very concerned that Sark won't get help with a competent OC even if he still calls the plays. He can't do it all. Sark gets credit for the great culture but our two year turn around is due to our NIL. Reduce the NIL in half, and we aren't making the finals on coaching alone. This is not a well coached machine (except the D). Lastly, fuck those dog shit Ohio St jersey wearing bitches. I hate their fucking fans.
  4. That's on fucking sark. Line up 5 yards back and do stupid shit. btw once again Quinn walks it in if sees the d overloaded and keeps it. This is the fucking problem all year.
  5. If Ewers throws before the cut, it's a first down. and it's was a fucking hold
  6. If Quinn keeps the second down, he goes for a long way. He ran so I wonder if Sark is setting up. Problem is it's the wrong qb
  7. It was a really bad pass. Was a hold but make it a catchable ball. Need a change but won't get it
  8. Just the last drive. The penalty killed us and you can't make a mistake or expected to make 2 and 25
  9. Can't blame Quinn on that drive but WRs are open and he has had time. defense needs to get a stop
  10. They are wide open with no pressure on the qb. We need to fix this asap. Quinn has open WRs and time. We have to capitalize as the rush will get more aggressive.
  11. LFG! 🀘🀘🀘🀘
  12. Will be interesting to watch the second half. Feels like the first half of the SEC championship. Let’s see if Freeman can adjust.
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