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Certifiably Surly
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Hank_Hill last won the day on October 20 2024

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21173 Surly 1%

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  1. Can’t think of a much worse landing spot than the Jets, so it’ll probably happen
  2. China doesn’t have to do anything to appease him. They have the leverage.
  3. Lol you still abide by word meanings? Fucking sheep
  4. Because GRU is a piece of shit? Cosign
  5. Good thing we’re also deporting all the cheap agricultural labor at home.
  6. 2025 is already the most depressingly hilarious year in recent memory and it’s barely February. GSG
  7. Hope a Canadian quaifs in Trumps face
  8. Strong also had to follow Mack who was known as the Helobious of stroking Texas highschool football coaches. They weren’t ready for a less baby soft touch.
  9. For a self proclaimed OL guru you should know we don’t need that many long snappers.
  10. Trump turned the most mild mannered western nation into anthem booers. That’s how you know he’s a prick.
  11. Calm down Lisan-Al Gaib. Whole lotta icky poors out thataway
  12. Bezos house has the only private beach on Maui in the middle of a lava field with ex mossad as home security when he’s in town. True story.
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