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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hank_Hill

  1. Calm down Lisan-Al Gaib. Whole lotta icky poors out thataway
  2. Bezos house has the only private beach on Maui in the middle of a lava field with ex mossad as home security when he’s in town. True story.
  3. Figured Pimphand had his schizophrenia meds pretty dialed in by now. Then again he is talking to himself in this thread. Glad the pharmacist was nice to him.
  4. Condoning multiple sexual assault allegations= virtue signaling
  5. It’s a thinker for sure
  6. In sexual assault cases they absolutely are.
  7. Srsly. Can’t believe people are still talking about that holocaust thing. Like get over it already!
  8. So leave? Nobody would care and sounds like you have nothing worth your time here
  9. Also obligatory, Tucker is @Jersey Man10?
  10. Sounds like most of the Surl could double his time to climax.
  11. Didn’t have a dog growing up? 🚩 🚩🚩
  12. Lol yea man you were definitely just expressing reasonable doubt and not insinuating these “victims” (as you call them) are check chasing liars.
  13. Doubting the victim as your first response says a lot about a person.
  14. Has one meh year and the Ravens say alright run the story
  15. Dude sings opera, he’s obviously in to some weird shit.
  16. It’s Spanky, what did you expect?
  17. There you go again
  18. This guy talks a lot about rep and peoples opinions for someone who doesn’t care about rep or peoples opinions.
  19. Oh never mind you are way past borderline. Good to know.
  20. Convincing everyone I’m borderline retarded to own the libs
  21. Chirping about 3 months of returns and then admitting you somehow managed to lose money in one of the best 5 year periods the market has ever seen is so fucking funny. All those beatings by pahpah and didn’t learn shit.
  22. Nearly impossible, even. He’s full of shit or he made exceptionally terrible market decisions for 4 years.
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