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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hank_Hill

  1. Football board going to be screaming for this guy after Archs first pick next year
  2. Damn he sure showed him. What an all time pussy move if true.
  3. This was pretty sick. His face is always a little like that but they def highlighted it.
  4. So in the only media most people see him in he sucks ass.
  5. So he’s not an annoying fuck he just plays one on TV? Well in that case
  6. Those are the blue bloods. All that other stuff that makes PSU a good historical team is fine but doesn’t change the definition. Dont use the term if you don’t agree with who it is referring to. They also have a history of literally butt fucking children.
  7. Yea, season 2 was set up for disappointment just because of the novelty aspect and the fact that they threw back the curtain on the workings of the game already. It was fine. I’ve also watched a lot more Korean content since season 1 so the cultural novelty in general isn’t as prominent for me this time.
  8. Yea but it’s not like they were also literally playing the team from the hypothetical or anything
  9. Feel like this game is free money for me emotionally after the last one when I’d given up hope multiple times. Let’s ball the fuck out tho.
  10. Sounds like Texas fans
  11. Hahaha Kirby is such a whiny cunt. YoU CaNnOt
  12. And? You’re a constant pussy regardless.
  13. Never change you fucking nerd
  14. Not that I think we need him, but neither of those dudes are close to 6’6”
  15. I’m resigning to the fact that 4 is going to toast us, hopefully we can weather it.
  16. Lockett isn’t huge but fits the bill. We’ll see how Terry is deployed.
  17. Nope.
  18. Great. Nobody is saying he didn’t do his job on that play. Ewers also adjusted the play call to make it successful.
  19. One leg at a time
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