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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hank_Hill

  1. Didn’t put Clemson away= winning by 14 I guess
  2. The fuck is that graphic? I know chick-fil-a thinks they’re tight with God but come on.
  3. Nobody here is doing that
  4. They have to beat Ohio State and likely us just to get there. Tough road. But OSUs is the sameish so not sure why they’re 10% more.
  5. Yea man, this is my concern 😂. Oh well. DM me any bar recs you got.
  6. Absolutely not. If anything it was worse on Maui last year to scare away the evil spirits. It’s a poly thing.
  7. Just hit him in the back field before his slow ass gets going.
  8. It’s not exactly a hot take
  9. Flailing. Lats getting sore from the reach.
  10. You’re scrambling. It’s ok we’ve all been there.
  11. He was turning around and throwing his hands up every time he got posterized so either he’s a whiny bitch or you’re on to something.
  12. I live out here so my clock isn’t going to let me do that lol. $80 flight from Maui and got the cheapest room we could find on short notice so not that braggadocios.
  13. 8AM kick after a NYE in Waikiki. RIP me.
  14. If a 40 yard completion is the second most frustrating throw of the day I’ll take that 10/10 times.
  15. Right, it wasn’t updated last night at the time of my silly lil comment
  16. You shouldn’t talk to the ESPN stat website guy like that, he’s doing his best.
  17. That looks like the same results but in a different way. Playoffs are going to have mismatches. Oh fucking well.
  18. Is the diversity box in the room with us right now?
  19. Can’t wait to see how @HtownHorn reacts to a decent to good game from Ewers against ASU. “oh that fucking idiot did his big fancy quarterbacking job well and y’all are happy about it? lol fucking nerds, I definitely don’t hate him or myself tho 😏”
  20. 1 horrible decision and 1 horrible throw is technically multiple, I guess.
  21. So we should be playing in Tempe???
  22. 137. Please don’t calculate my versed doseage 😉
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