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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hank_Hill

  1. I don’t think MSU has $4mil periodt
  2. Lol yea throwing shoulder injury is definitely the same thing. Jesus.
  3. Lmao. bet it’s a leak from his agent >>>> NFLRookieWatxh is full of shit
  4. Lol yea it’s all super sweet innocent concern for the team in here
  5. That “site” is a bullshit twitter account. This site gets dumber by the day.
  6. Prove he didn’t
  7. Lol he’s such a fucking idiot pussy
  8. Someone should post those dweebs on the football board a 10th time
  9. Heck yea let’s boo him off Gilbert style. Everyone looks back fondly at that one
  10. Not at all. I’m feigning shock. Maybe Sarks an idiot too!
  11. Sark saying players around Ewers need to do a better job?!? Sark is @Thatguy??
  12. Or those nerds were just wrong
  13. Sounds like a ratings problem
  14. I’d put money on neither making it before both.
  15. I don’t think Ewers was responsible for his 9.95 rating.
  16. Big, if true
  17. They’re basing all of that alcohol bullshit on the pictures of him at that wedding recently where he was *gasp* enjoying himself. That’s literally it.
  18. What has Clemson proven?
  19. You mean 3 single word quotes aren’t from real sources???
  20. Game 3??? To be fair losing to that Michigan team would have me questioning things but holy shit. Yea fuck that.
  21. Don’t love it, but feel like with our DT situation Bear might be a real possibility. How was he this year, mediocre as usual?
  22. With Derka in jail what is there even to read at that point?
  23. Found the horse girl
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