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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hank_Hill

  1. Still trying to figure out how we decided a bunch of students aren’t going to go to a game 5 days before a holiday.
  2. How many current top 5 teams has anyone in our bracket beaten this season?
  3. Only because we weren’t in the ACC row of murderers
  4. If playing number 12 Clemson at home is too high pressure for this team they weren’t ready for anything. Have fun generating hypothetical nonsense to worry about this week though.
  5. My money is on it getting worse
  6. Yea guys, no pressure on Clemson LOL. Texas definitely dealt with way less pressure in College Station than at home against the bottom seed, not sure how they’ll manage.
  7. Dabo doesn’t have the horses on DL that he used to or a generational QB. He’s pretty mids given that.
  8. Would’ve been better with Arch throwing
  9. That’s how most season averages work yea
  10. A lot of you seem to know Sark pretty intimately. NTTAWWT
  11. This thread is lacking, when’s Derka get free?
  12. Well this thread is about anything but nuance
  13. Mine was in jest. ChatGPT ain’t built for me
  14. Right, both are at fault. People can’t seem to get over picking one or the other.
  15. Arch must really suck to be behind this sack of garbage. Nervous for the future.
  16. It’sthesamepicturememe.jpg
  17. If Ewers had thrown the ball better Moore would have started his route differently. Duh.
  18. Is the receiver not also in a different spot? Both can be true.
  19. Alford is a starter. Omeire has 3 catches.
  20. I think we’re agreeing, the coaches know what they’re doing better than we do.
  21. Right, we fell 3 points short of what Vegas expected. Boohoo.
  22. As long as Zuhn stays we’ll continue to eat
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